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art exhibit tonight.
 Wait. Her brain spun its wheels and went nowhere, so she sat up in the hope that it would
gain traction if she put it in a new position.  What modern art exhibit? I don t remember seeing
anything like that on the schedule.
 Which explains why everything is fucked up. I have to be live for the podcast, so that means
you re going to play hostess.
 But& oh my God, what about the catering? We need a media kit, and we have to deal with
 Don t worry, the artist s people have already taken care of all that shit. They ve just rented
out the lower level of the House for their exhibit, so all you have to do is show up and pretend you
care. It s at seven tonight, but you need to be there about half an hour early. Thanks, and I mean it.
 Wait, I don t even know what artist& Payne? Nothing but silence greeted her, and she
looked at the screen before tossing the phone to the other side of the bed. What a coward, hanging up
on her before she could tear strips off of him. As soon as she could get her hands on his schedule, she
was going to punish him until he begged for mercy. Nothing but financial advisor meetings, tax shelter
workshops and anything else that would bore his creative brain into a coma.
Though, if she were completely honest, she had to admit there was one good thing about going
into work on an otherwise-quiet Sunday. If she was busy, she wouldn t obsess over Ivar as hardcore
as she did yesterday, to the point where she couldn t do anything in front of the windows facing his
apartment. She couldn t keep living like that, so either she got the entire penthouse swaddled in heavy
curtains, or she got off the dime and did something about the situation.
His deception had rocked the crap out of her, no two ways about it. But now that she d had
time to recover from the shock, she could admit that being duped once again by someone with ulterior
motives had knocked her legs right out from under her. It was infuriating to be so good at spotting
trouble when it came to business, but so blind when it came to protecting her heart.
Her horrible judgment had seriously shaken her confidence. When it came to everything else,
she was decisive and determined. But she d miscalculated two times now, and that meant when it
came to personal relationships she was a total loser. It wasn t Ivar she mistrusted at this point. It was
She couldn t trust her judgment now by putting her heart at risk yet again& could she?
She headed for the bathroom and an eye-opening shower, thoughts in turmoil. The reason
she d gotten the answers Ivar had needed was to see which way he d jump once he had them and no
longer had any use for her. After all, if he d just been interested in her because of Frank Bournival,
he d do a fast fade and that would have been the end of it.
But he hadn t faded. He sent her flowers. He made sure she knew he was counting the days
that separated them. He watched for her to come home late at night to see that she was safe, and asked
how she was. He hadn t given up on her, even when she was all but sure it was safer for her battered
emotions to give up on him.
Ultimately it should be up to him to make it right, and if he tries to do that, be thrilled
about it.
Ivar had been trying to make it right. She d just been too insecure to make yet another leap of
faith and believe that his efforts were real.
No matter how insecure she was, she couldn t give up on him. Literally, couldn t. She had
proof enough of that when she s almost had a frigging heart attack over his announcement that he was
leaving Chicago. Clearly she wasn t ready to let him go, so perhaps it was time she gave him a reason
to believe they had something worth sticking around for. And maybe they did. Maybe it didn t matter
that he d schemed to come into her life for all the wrong reasons.
Maybe all that mattered was that he d come into her life.
With that in mind, she texted him around noon to see if he was free to meet for lunch. When he
didn t respond, she called him directly and got switched over to voicemail. About an hour later she [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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