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egg and place all in the oven for three or four minutes, so that the eggs are only just set and no more.
[_Amie inconnue._]
Take some good sized carrots, and after washing them well and cutting off the green tuft, cut each one across
about two and a half inches from the leaves. Scoop out the inside yellow part, leaving a case of the redder part
and a piece to form the bottom, at the smaller end. Then stew the cases very gently till a little tender, but not
quite soft. Take them out of the water, drain them, and then placing each on its small end, fill up with hot
chopped mushrooms, that have been tossed in butter. Arrange in a circle on a dish, and garnish with small
sprigs of carrot leaves. The insides that you have scooped out are to be used for soup flavoring.
[_Pour la Patrie._]
One should not let the tips of this vegetable touch the water. Take your bundle, dip the stalks in warm water to
remove any dust, and the tips also, if it is necessary. Then tie the bundle round with tape, keeping the ends of
stalks even so that it will stand upright. Place them in boiling water with the heads just sticking out, and keep
them like that. In this way the heads, which are very tender, will be cooked in the steam and will not drop off.
[_Pour la Patrie._]
Butter a pie-dish, preferably a fireproof china dish. Open a tin of tomatoes and remove as much skin as you
can if they are the unpeeled kind. Put a handful of crumbled brown bread in the dish with lumps of butter,
then pour on that some tomatoes, dust with pepper and salt, then more bread, and so on, finishing at the last
with lumps of butter, and a thick sprinkling of grated cheese. Bake for twenty minutes.
[_Pour la Patrie._]
Put on some water to boil. Take your lettuce, and choose the round kind, and wash it well. Take out neatly
with your fingers the center leaves, and fill up instead with a sheep's kidney which you have lightly dusted
with flour, pepper, and salt. Tie the lettuce round very firmly and set it in a pan of boiling water that covers up
only three quarters of the vegetable. Boil for eighteen minutes. Take out the lettuce, untie it, drain it, and serve
at once. Kidneys are good when they are placed inside large Spanish onions and gently stewed, in which case
a dab of made mustard is given them.
Put on your rice to boil. Make a tomato sauce by stewing them gently, and then rubbing them through a sieve;
this makes a pure, which you must put back to heat with pepper and salt and a small quantity of made
mustard. Then grate some parmesan, or failing that, some Gruyre cheese. Take off the rice, drain it, keeping
it hot, put it on a dish and pour over it your pure. Then sprinkle the grated cheese thickly on top of all.
[_Pour la Patrie._]
Boil some rice till it will press closely together. Fill some teacups with it, pressing the rice well down; then
leave a hole in the middle and pour into each hole a small raw egg, yolk, and white. Set the tea-cups to cook
in the oven, and when the eggs are just set and no more, press on them some more rice. Turn them out of the
teacups, and if you have rubbed the inside of the cups with a little butter this will be easy, and sprinkle over
the top of each mold plenty of chopped parsley. Do not forget salt and pepper to season the ingredients.
[_Pour la Patrie._]
Take your shelled beans, very young and tender. Throw them into boiling water for a minute, then pour the
water away. Heat for a pound of beans one and one-half pints of milk, stir in four ounces of salt butter, a very
little chopped parsley, salt and pepper. Do not let the milk boil, but when it simmers put in the beans. When
they have been heated for ten minutes, thicken your sauce with the yolks of two eggs and a tablespoonful of
cream. Take out a bean and eat it to see if it is cooked, and if so, pour all on a hot dish. Garnish with fried
sippets of bread. Old broad beans can be treated in the same way, but they must first be skinned.
Beat up three eggs, to which add one tablespoonful of grated cheese, pepper, and salt, and mix thoroughly.
Butter an omelette pan, and pour in the mixture, keep moving it gently with a fork while you sprinkle in with
the other hand some cooked green peas. The omelette will be cooked by the time you have sprinkled in two
handfuls. Slip it off on to a very hot dish, fold over, and serve at once.
[_Jean O._]
Wash well some globe artichokes, and boil them in salted water. Meanwhile make a good mushroom filling,
highly seasoned, of cooked mushroom, dipped into butter, pepper, salt, a few breadcrumbs, and shreds of
ham. Remove the center leaves from the vegetable and as much of the choke as you can. Fill up with the
mushroom force and stew gently in brown sauce flavored with a bunch of herbs.
[_F. R._]
is merely endive, washed and torn apart with red peppers added here and there as well as the ordinary salad
Belgian asparagus is done by adding to the cooked vegetable a bechamel sauce, poured over the dish, and
then slices of hard boiled eggs placed on the top. The giant asparagus is used, and it is eaten with a fork.
[_A Grocer's Wife._]
Cut young carrots in small pieces, blanch them in salted water; melt some butter in a stew pan, add enough
water and meat extract to make sufficient to cover the carrots, season with pepper, salt and a pinch of sugar
and toss the carrots in this till they are tender. Then add the yolk of an egg and a tablespoonful of cream,
holding the pan just off the fire with the left hand, while you stir with the right. When it is well mixed pour all
out on a vegetable dish and sprinkle over with chopped parsley.
[_Amie reconnaissante._]
Make the same preparation as above, for the sauce, with the same seasonings, but add a dust of nutmeg. Then
add half a pint of white stock which will be enough for a small bunch of carrots; simmer them for fifteen
minutes and then break in three whole eggs, taking care that they fall apart from each other. Let them cook till
nearly set (for they will go on cooking in the hot sauce after you remove them from the fire) and serve at once.
This is nearly as good if you use old carrots sliced, instead of the young ones.
[_M. Zoeben_.]
CUCUMBERS AND TOMATOES [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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