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 Oh, fudge, I whispered, leaning heavily on Jenks s arm. Just that fast, I had gone from exuberant to
panic, the Brimstone taking over my moods.  You got anything more lethal than that knife on you? I
 No. Why? His forward momentum barely hesitated as he looked up from watching my feet.  Oh, he
said softly, his fingers tightening on my arm for an instant.  Okay.
I wasn t surprised when he did an abrupt turn-about and wheeled us back into the mall. Bending close,
Jenks sent the aroma of dry meadow over me.  Your disguises are working, he whispered.  Pretend we
just forgot something and have to go pick it up.
I found myself nodding, scanning the contented faces around me, searching for anger in the vacationing
people. My pulse was fast and my skin tingling. Pam was dead; they would be after me for that if nothing
else. Weres were timid, apart from the alpha and the first few down, and since the round was broken,
they would stay in the background and keep our squabble private. We d be okay unless we got
ourselves in a blind alley. And there weren t many of those in Mackinaw City.
 I m going to call Ivy, I said, pulling my bag around and opening it.
Body tense, Jenks drew me to a stop to put my back to a brick wall and stand partially in front of me. It
was a candy shop big surprise there and my stomach growled as I hit speed dial.  Come on, come
on, I crabbed, waiting for it to go through.
The circuit clicked open and Ivy s voice filtered out.  Rachel?
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 Yeah, it s me, I said, shoulders easing in relief.  Where are you?
 On the bridge back. Why? She hesitated, and I could hear the distinctive sound of Nick s truck.  Why
do I hear people? she added suspiciously.
Jenks winced, and I squinted in the sun, backing up until the overhang put me in the shade.  Uh, Jenks
and I went on a procurement run.
 Shopping? she yelped.  Rachel! Damn it, can t you just sit still for a couple of hours?
I thought of the Brimstone running rampant through me, deciding that no, I couldn t.
Jenks tossed his head, and I followed his grim gaze to a pair of elegantly dressed tourists. They had
shopping bags, but they were a little too attentive. Turning his back to them, Jenks angled to block their
view of me.Damn it, this was getting dicey. My pulse quickened and I hunched into the phone.  Look, I
did some thinking, and you re right. I peeked around Jenks, then rocked back.  How long will it take
for you to get to that open-air mall?
 You did some thinking? Ivy said softly, sounding vulnerable.
Jenks scanned the plaza.  Tick-tock, Rache.
Anxious, I turned to the phone.  Yeah. I need to start making smarter decisions. But we re at that mall
and Brett and Walter are sitting on the car. The good feeling the Brimstone had instilled in me had sifted
to fear, and I clamped down on my rising panic. At its heart, Brimstone was an intensifier. If you were
happy, you were really happy. If you were sad, you were suicidal. Right now I was scared out of my
mind. Until it wore off, I was going to be a roller coaster of emotions.Damn it, I didn t have time for this!
Ivy snarled something at Nick, and I heard a horn blast.  How many? she asked tightly.
I looked past Jenks, seeing sunlit flowers and cheerful storefronts.  Four so far, but they have phones.
We re wearing disguises, so they probably don t know it s us. Calm down, Rachel, I told myself, trying
to use the drug to my advantage.Think.
 I knew this was going to happen. I knew it! Ivy shouted.
 Well, I d rather meet them here than the motel, I said, doggedly trying to pull my emotions from fear
back to invincibility. It wasn t working. I was still scared.
 The bridge is still one lane either way, Ivy snarled.  I can t get around this guy. Give the phone to
Jenks. I want to talk to him.
Jenks paled and shook his head.
 Jenks! she exclaimed,  I know you can hear me. I can t believe you let her talk you into this. I told you
she needed at least another course of Brimstone before she could work in the kitchen, much less go out!
 I m not that weak, I said indignantly, but Jenks was way ahead of me, and he took the phone, holding
it so we could both hear.
 She ate that last cookie, Ivy, he said, clearly offended.  And I just gave her another dose of the stuff.
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She s running on full. I m not stupid.
 I knew it! I said, glancing past Jenks at the drifting people.  You slipped me some!
There was a short silence, and Ivy said softly,  You picked up more Brimstone?
Jenks met my eyes.  Yeah. And don t worry. I paid cash. It s not on the card.
 Where did you get the money, Jenks? Ivy asked, the threat clear in her voice.
 It wasn t that expensive, he said, but I could tell he thought he d done something wrong by his
suddenly worried look.
 You ass! Ivy said.  Get her the hell out of there! You bought street-grade, you stupid pixy! She s
higher than a kite!
Jenks s mouth worked but nothing was coming out.
 Uh, Ivy? he squeaked.  We gotta go.
 Don t hang up! Ivy yelled.  Give me to Rachel. Jenks, give the phone to Rachel!
Jenks went to end the call, and I snatched the phone. I was on street-grade Brimstone? Swell. Just
swell. I thought it was hitting me a little hard. I could hear Ivy telling Nick what had happened, catching
the word  invincible and  get herself killed. Jenks turned to scan the area, his posture tense and guilty
looking. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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