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~ has not given way yet.
~ is standing on.
~ need not give way.
.3 A vessel is crossing from starboard side.
.3.1 We
~ need not give way.
~ will stand on.
~ will alter course to give way.
~ have altered course to give way.
.3.2 The vessel will pass ... kilometres / nautical miles ahead / astern.
.3.3 I will complete the manoeuvre.
.4 A vessel & (cardinal points) of us is on the same course.
.5 The bearing to the vessel in ... degrees is constant.
.6 There is heavy traffic / ... in the area.
.6.1 There are fishing boats / ... in the area.
.7 There are no dangerous targets on the radar .
.7.1 Attention. There are dangerous targets on the radar .
.8 Call the Master if any vessel passes with a CPA of less than .... miles.
.8.1 Call the Master if ... .
B1/1.3 Briefing on navigational aids and equipment status
.1 Port side / starboard side radar is at ... miles range scale.
.2 The radar is
~ relative head-up / north-up / course-up.
~ true-motion north-up / course-up.
.3 GPS / LORAN is / is not in operation.
.4 Echo sounder is at ... metres range scale.
.4.1 The echo sounder recordings are unreliable.
.5 I changed to manual / automatic steering (at ... UTC).
.6 Navigation lights are switched on / off.
B1/1.4 Briefing on radiocommunications
.1 INMARSAT ...(type of system) is operational / is not operational.
.2 VHF DSC Channel 70 / VHF Channel ... / DSC controller is switched on.
.2.1 DSC frequency 2187.5 kHz is switched on.
.3 NAVTEX is switched on.
.4 Following was received on ... at ... UTC
.5 Shore based radar assistance / VTS / Pilot station is on VHF Channel ... .
A 22/Res.918 - 68 -
.6 The Pilot station / VTS station requires
~ flag State.
~ call sign / identification.
~ draft.
~ gross tonnage.
~ length overall.
~ kind of cargo.
~ ETA at .... .
~ MAREP POSREP / ... .
~ ... .
B1/1.5 Briefing on meteorological conditions
.1 A weak / strong (tidal) current is setting .... degrees.
.1.1 The direction of the (tidal) current will change in ... hours.
.2 Fog / mist / dust / rain / snow / ... is in the area.
.3 Automatic fog signal is switched on.
.4 The wind increased / decreased (within last ... hours).
.4.1 The wind is ... (cardinal points) force Beaufort ... .
.4.2 The wind changed from .... (cardinal points) to .... (cardinal points).
.5 The sea state is expected to change (within .... hours).
.6 A smooth/moderate/rough/heavy sea / slight/moderate/high swell of ... metres from
...(cardinal points) is expected (within .... hours).
.7 A tsunami / an abnormal wave is expected by ... UTC.
.8 Visibility is ... nautical miles.
.9 Visibility is reduced by fog / mist / dust / rain / snow / ... .
.10 Visibility is expected
~ to decrease / increase to ... nautical miles (within ... hours).
~ variable between ... and ... nautical miles (within .... hours).
.11 Next weather report is at ... UTC.
.12 Atmospheric pressure is ... millibars/hectopascal.
.13 Barometric change is ... millibars /hectopascal per hour / within the last ... hours.
.13.1 Barometer is steady / dropping (rapidly) / rising (rapidly).
.14 There was a gale warning / tropical storm warning for the area ... at ... UTC.
B1/1.6 Briefing on standing orders and bridge organization
.1 Standing orders for the period from ... to ... UTC ... are: ... .
.2 Standing orders for the area ... are: ... .
.3 Take notice of changes in the standing orders.
.4 Do you understand the standing orders?
.4.1 Yes, I understand the standing orders.
.4.2 No, I do not understand, please explain.
.5 Read / sign the standing orders.
.6 The latest fire patrol was at ... UTC.
.7 The latest security patrol was at ... UTC.
.7.1 Everything is in order.
.7.2 The following was stated: ... .
.7.3 The following measures were taken: ... .
.7.4 The following requires attention: ... .
.8 The lookout is standing by.
.9 The helmsman is standing by.
.10 Call the Master at ... UTC / in position ... .
- 69 - A 22/Res.918
B1/1.7 Briefing on special events
See also A1/3  Safety communications .
.1 There was an engine alarm at ... UTC due to ......
.2 Speed was reduced at ... UTC due to ......
.3 Engine(s) was / were stopped at ... UTC due to ......
.4 Course was altered at ... UTC due to ....
.5 The Master / Chief Engineer was called at ... UTC due to ... .
B1/1.8 Briefing on temperatures, pressures and soundings [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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