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the inn. I suspect LaLeche expects us to stay the entire day and well into the
evening. And from what I remember of the offerings of food laid out on that
rickety table last night "
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"I get your point." Zanita eagerly opened her menu. "Jeez Louise! Look at these
prices!" She gaped at the menu in awe.
"Zanita," Tyber said dryly.
"I was going to treat you to lunch." She raised her violet eyes to his. They
were suspiciously moist. "But I I can't afford this, Tyber."
He put his menu down and covered her hand with his. "It's nice of you to want to
take me out, sweetheart, but it's not necessary. There's absolutely no reason
for us not to completely enjoy this weekend as long as we're here."
"But Tyber "
His eyes locked implacably with hers. "Don't worry about it." He picked up his
menu again. "Now let's see what looks good here How about the lobster pie?"
While Zanita viewed her menu, Tyber thoughtfully gazed down at her bent head.
She had absolutely no idea how wealthy he was, he mused. Imagine becoming
overwrought about what he considered a simple, although elegant, lunch.
As a reporter bent on getting an interview with him, she had to know he held
literally hundreds of patents. Not to mention the income from his teaching
seminars and the books he had written. Somehow Zanita had blocked this all off
from her consciousness, choosing instead to see him for the most part as just an
interesting, albeit eccentric physicist.
And he knew why.
As long as she could view him in that manner, he wasn't so threatening to her.
He understood how she would see him as threatening in terms of a relationship.
On one hand, he wanted her to feel threatened by him. It meant she recognized
that he was shaking up her nice, safe world. On the other hand, what good was
having anything in life if you didn't allow yourself the pleasure of it?
Tyber wasn't about to let her fear of commitment color their time together. In
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the broadest sense, it had nothing to do with money; it had everything to do
with his philosophy of life.
He was an unconventional man who believed in enjoying all aspects of life to the
fullest. Whether it was traveling first class on the Orient Express, the joy in
creating a masterpiece, or the sheer beauty of discovery. It was about
excellence. It was about being alive.
And he wanted Zanita to share those life experiences with him.
Now and in the future.
Because of her background, he realized she hadn't had the opportunity to
experience the kind of life he lived, but he was in the process of changing
that. Tyber knew Zanita possessed not only the capacity for it, but also the
To make his point, he ordered an extraordinary chilled wine to accompany their
main course.
"Lobster pie sounds good," Zanita said to the waiter in a small voice, not
looking up from her menu. Twenty-eight-fifty for lobster pie a la carte. She
swallowed a sip of water from a crystal goblet. For lunch. Tyber needed to get a
handle on reality, she thought.
The Doc lived a secluded life, enclosed behind the walls of his mansion, his
mind wrapped up in arcane subjects; she really didn't think he had a clue. The
poor, sweet, misguided man.
Well, now that she was with him, she'd make every effort to open his eyes to
people reality as opposed to physicist reality, whatever that was. Over a
hundred dollars for lunch! No wonder this entropy thing kept growing! It was
being fueled by the very physicists who discovered it.
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The waiter brought some croissants and their wine, pouring a small amount out
for Tyber, who tasted it and nodded. After he finished pouring their wine, the
waiter left them to their conversation. Zanita picked up her glass and relaxed
back in her chair.
"Do you think we'll survive all those hours of intense healing today?" Zanita
smiled at Tyber, at ease once again now that they were back onto a subject she
was comfortable with.
"We can only hope. Remind me to bring an extra blanket in the truck tonight it's
going to be cold in that shack in the woods, and probably damp as well. I heard
the weather report earlier and they're forecasting a cold rain tonight, with
frost in some low-lying areas. I don't want you getting sick again."
Just the thought of the cold made Zanita shiver. Until she remembered how well
he had kept her warm last night at the cabin. "Will you promise to keep me warm [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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