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negotiable by all and sundry; and as subsequent events clearly revealed to me, the narrow
strip is so well protected that the cleverest man is sure to blunder in one pitfall or another
unless guided at every step by a higher self-illuminating intelligence, which ceases to shine at
the slightest tinge of impurity in the heart. The existence of a superintelligent internal monitor
has been avowedly acknowledged by some very famous men of the world, both past and
present, the monitor being none other than the mystic personality developed by Kundalini,
imperceptibly active in them from birth.
After the incidents mentioned in the preceding chapters I lived an almost normal life for years
similar to that of other men in all respects except for the ferment noticeable during the hours
of sleep. The great increase in the metabolic activity of the body, resulting in more rapid heart
action followed by lassitude in the mornings and the dynamic nature of my dreams,
unmistakably pointed to the possibility that my system was being subjected to some kind of
internal pressure which tended to accelerate the organic functions beyond the normal limit.
On numerous occasions I was forcibly struck by the resemblance that I bore during those days
to a growing baby, utterly unconscious of the great changes occurring in every part of the tiny
frame tending to bring it by imperceptible degrees nearer and nearer to the massive
proportions of manhood. I closely resembled one in the frequency of intake and more rapid
digestion of food, quicker and more thorough elimination, longer periods of rest and sleep,
and by an abnormal rapidity of the pulse, unaccompanied by fever or any other symptoms of
illness. It was obvious that under the action of the transformed nervous energy my body
functioned in a definitely altered manner in certain respects, forced to greater activity
probably with some ultimate object in view which I could in no way guess at that time.
Apparently my body had become a target for invisible but superintelligent living forces
which, using the surplus energy provided by my considerably enhanced intake and better
assimilation of food, temperate habits, and frequently long periods of strict continence, were
hammering away at my interior, bending and twisting the cells and organs to the required
shape or the required degree of functional activity in order to make the whole system fit for
the operation of a more potent life energy. The consistency in the symptoms and the
mechanical regularity with which my body functioned under the action of the new vital
current made it evident that even in its altered behaviour the organism was following a certain
clearly marked rhythm, an essential characteristic of life in any form. This was a matter of
great consolation to a man like me whose every night was a witness to strange,
incomprehensible activities going on in his interior, as it tended to provide a proof for the fact
that whatever transpired was taking place in accordance with certain biological laws to which
the body was responding in an orderly systematic manner. Such would not be the case if an
unnatural and chaotic condition had overcome the organism.
In the beginning I mistook the normal mode of operation of the new vital energy for a sudden
disorder of the nervous system attended by malformation and erratic behaviour of the nervous
currents. The descriptions contained in the ancient esoteric treatises on Kundalini represent
the goddess as a stream of radiant energy ambrosial in effect, which, when roused by the
power of concentration and pranayama, can be led gradually to her supreme abode at the
crown of the head, there to taste the ineffable bliss of an embrace with her divine spouse, God
Shiva, residing in the consciousness of the yogi. In the course of her ascent from her seat at
the base of the spine to the crown, she, it is averred, waters with nectar the six lotuses
flourishing at the six important nerve junctions on the cerebro-spinal axis, governing the vital
and sensory organs which bloom at her approach, until she arrives at the thousand-petalled
lotus at the top of the head and is absorbed in ecstatic union with her heavenly consort; when
released from the chains which bind it to earth, the embodied consciousness soars to the
sublime heights of self-realization, made aware for the first time after ages of bondage of its
own ineffable, deathless nature.
At the time of her descent she repasses the lotuses, which droop and close their petals at her
departure, until she assumes her original dormant state at the base of the spine, bringing down [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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