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other shippers like UPS and the Post Office. First that information was available
through custom software, then through the Web. More recently FedEx has begun
beta testing an API/library that third-party and in-house developers can use to
integrate their software and systems with FedEx s. The data format used for this
service is XML.
Netscape Navigator 5.0 supports direct display of XML in the Web browser, but
Netscape actually started using XML internally as early as version 4.5. When you
ask Netscape to show you a list of sites related to the current one you re looking it,
your browser connects to a CGI program running on a Netscape server. The data
that server sends back is XML. Listing 2-13 shows the XML data for sites related to
Listing 2-13: XML data for sites related to
href= http://info.netscape.com/fwd/rl/http://metalab.unc.edu:80
/* >
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Chapter 2 &' An Introduction to XML Applications
href= http://info.netscape.com/fwd/rl/http://www.sun.com/
name= Sun Microsystems >
href= http://info.netscape.com/fwd/rl/http://www.unc.edu/
name= Unc >
href= http://info.netscape.com/fwd/rl/http://sunsite.sut.ac.jp/
 name= SunSITE Japan >
href= http://info.netscape.com/fwd/rl/http://sunsite.nus.sg/
name= SunSITE Singapore >
href= http://info.netscape.com/fwd/rl/http://sunsite.berkeley.e
du/ name= Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE >
href= http://info.netscape.com/fwd/rl/http://www.sun.com/sunsit
e name= SunSITE on the net >
href= http://info.netscape.com/fwd/rl/http://www.sunsite.auc.dk
/ name= SunSITE Denmark >
href= http://info.netscape.com/fwd/rl/http://sunsite.edu.cn/
name= SunSITE China >
href= http://info.netscape.com/fwd/rl/http://sunsite.stanford.o
rg/ name= Stanford University SunSITE >
href= http://info.netscape.com/fwd/rl/http://www.cdromshop.com/
cdshop/desc/p.061590000085.html name= SunSITE Archive >
name= Learn About Smart Browsing... >
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Part I &' Introducing XML
This all happens completely behind the scenes. The users never know that the data
is being transferred in XML. The actual display is a menu in Netscape Navigator, not
an XML or HTML page.
This really just scratches the surface of the use of XML for internal data. Many
other projects that use XML are just getting started, and many more will be started
over the next year. Most of these won t receive any publicity or write-ups in the
trade press, but they nonetheless have the potential to save their companies
thousands of dollars in development costs over the life of the project. The self-
documenting nature of XML can be as useful for a company s internal data as for its
external data. For instance, many companies right now are scrambling to try and
figure out whether programmers who retired 20 years ago used two-digit dates. If
that were your job, would you rather be pouring over data that looked like this:
3c 79 65 61 72 3e 39 39 3c 2f 79 65 61 72 3e
or like this:
Unfortunately many programmers are now stuck trying to clean up data in the first
format. XML even makes the mistakes easier to find and fix.
This chapter has just begun to touch the many and varied applications to which
XML has been and will be put. Some of these applications like CML, MathML, and
MusicML are clear extensions to HTML for Web browsers. But many others, like
OFX, XFDL, and HRML, go into completely new directions. And all of these
applications have their own semantics and syntax that sits on top of the underlying
XML. In some cases, the XML roots are obvious. In other cases, you could easily
spend months working with it and only hear of XML tangentially. In this chapter,
you explored the following applications to which XML has been put to use:
&' Molecular sciences with CML
&' Science and math with MathML
&' Webcasting with CDF
&' Classic literature
&' Multimedia with SMIL and HTML+TIME
&' Software updates through OSD
&' Vector graphics with both PGML and VML
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Chapter 2 &' An Introduction to XML Applications
&' Music notation in MusicML
&' Automated voice responses with VoxML
&' Financial data with OFX
&' Legally binding forms with XFDL
&' Human resources job information with HRML
&' Meta-data through RDF
&' XML itself, including XSL, XLL, and DCD, to refine XML
&' Internal use of XML by various companies, including Microsoft, Federal
Express, and Netscape
In the next chapter, you will begin writing your own XML documents and displaying
them in Web browsers.
&' &' &'
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