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within institutions, and if permitted to receive literature, would, sooner or later, become
suspicious of the activities carried on by the psychopolitical operative. These must be
defamed and excluded as "untrained", "unskillful", "quacks", or "perpetrators of hoaxes".
No mental health movement with actual goals of mental therapy should be allowed to
continue in existence in any nation. For instance, the use of Chinese acupuncture in the
treatment of mental and physical derangement must, in China, be stamped out and dis-
credited thoroughly, as it has some efficacy, and, more importantly, its practitioners
understand, through long acquaintance with it, many of the principles of actual mental
health and aberration.
In the field of mental health, the psychopolitician must occupy, and continue to occu-
py, through various means, the authoritative position on the subject. There is always the
danger that problems of mental health may be resolved by some individual or group,
which might then discredit the program of the psychopolitical operative in his mental
health clubs.
City officials, socialites, and other outstanding individuals uninformed on the subject
of mental health, should be invited to full participation in the activity of mental health
groups. But the sole aim of this activity should be to finance better facilities for the psy-
chopolitical practitioner. To these groups it must be continually stressed that the entire
subject of mental illness is so complex that none of them, certainly, could understand any
part of it. Thus, the club should be kept on a social and financial level.
Where groups interested in the health of the community have already been formed,
they should be infiltrated and taken over, and if this is not possible, they should be dis-
credited, and the officialdom of the area should be invited to stamp them out as danger-
When a hostile group dedicated to mental health is discovered, the psychopolitician
should have recourse to peyote, mescaline, and other drugs that cause temporary insan-
ity. He should send persons, preferably those well under his control, into the mental
health group, whether founded on Christian Science, Dianetics, or faith preaching, to
demonstrate their abilities upon this new person. These, in demonstrating their abilities,
will usually act with enthusiasm. Midway in the course of their treatment, a quiet injec-
tion of peyote, mescaline, or other drug, or an electric shock, administered by a psy-
chopolitician, will produce the symptoms of insanity in the patient that has been sent to
the target group. The patient thus demonstrating momentary insanity should immedi-
ately be reported to the police and taken away to some area of incarceration managed by
psychopolitical operatives, and so placed out of sight. Officialdom will thus come to
believe that this group drives individuals insane by their practices, and the practices of
the group will then be despised and prohibited by law.
The values of a widespread mental health organization are manifest when one realizes
that any government can be forced to provide facilities for psychopolitical operatives in
the form of psychiatric wards in all hospitals, in national institutions totally in the hands
of psychopolitical operatives, and in the establishment of clinics where youth can be con-
tacted and forced into better alignment with the purposes of Psychopolitics.
Such groups form a political force, which can then legalize any law or authority desired
by the psychopolitical operative.
The securing of authority over such mental health organizations is managed mainly by
appeal to education. A psychopolitical operative should make sure that those psychia-
trists he controls, those psychologists whom he has under his orders, have been trained
for an excessively long period of time. The longer the training period that can be
required, the safer the psychopolitical program, since no new group of practitioners can
arise to uncover and embarrass psychopolitical programs. Furthermore, the groups
themselves cannot hope to obtain any full knowledge of the subject, not having behind
them many, many years of intensive training.
Vienna has been carefully maintained as the home of psychopolitics, since it was the
home of Psychoanalysis. Although our activities have long since dispersed any of the
gains made by Freudian groups, and have taken over these groups, the proximity of
Vienna to Russia, where Psychopolitics is operating abroad, and the necessity "for further
study" by psychopolitical operatives in the birthplace of Psychoanalysis, makes periodic
contacts with headquarters possible. Thus, the word "psychoanalysis" must be stressed
at all times, and must be pretended to be a thorough part of the psychiatrist s training.
Psychoanalysis profits greatly from its possession of a vocabulary, and a workability
that is sufficiently poor to avoid recovery of psychopolitical implantations. It can be
made fashionable throughout mental health organizations, and by learning its patter, and
by believing they see some of its phenomena, the members of mental health groups can
believe themselves conversant with mental health. Because its stress is sex, it is, itself, an
adequate defamation of character, and serves the purposes of degradation well. Thus, in
organizing mental health groups, the literature furnished such groups should be psycho-
analytical in nature.
If a group of persons interested in suppressing juvenile delinquency and in caring for
the insane (and indirectly the promotion of psychopolitical operatives and their actions)
can be formed in every major city of a country under conquest, the success of a psychopo-
litical program is assured, since these groups seem to represent a large segment of the
population. By continual exposure to the airing of propaganda on the subject of dope
addiction, homosexuality, and depraved conduct on the part of the young, even the
judges of a country can become suborned into reacting violently against the youth of the
country, thus misarranging the youth and gaining their support for our goals at the same
The communication lines of psychopolitics, if such mental health organizations can be
well established in a country, can thus run from its most prominent citizens to its govern-
ment. It is not too much to hope that the influence of such groups could bring about a
psychiatric ward in every hospital in the land, and psychiatrists in every company and
regiment of the nation s army, and whole government institutes manned entirely by psy-
chopolitical operatives, into which ailing government officials could be placed, to the
advantage of the psychopolitician.
If a psychiatric ward could be established in every hospital in every city in a nation, it
is certain that, at one time or another, every prominent citizen of the nation could come
under the ministrations of psychopolitical operatives or their dupes.
The validation of a need for psychiatric evaluations in the armed forced and security-
minded institutions of the nation under conquest could bring about a flow and fund of
information unlike any other program imaginable. If every pilot who flies a new plane
could come under the questioning of a psychopolitical operative, if the compiler of every
plan of military action could thus come under the review of psychopolitical operatives,
the simplicity with which information can be extracted by the use of certain drugs, with- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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