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Misha often wondered if that might be why his father hated him
so much. Misha knew his father was a cruel man. Felix was unable to
hide his true nature from him. And he seemed to resent Misha because
of it. He never passed up the opportunity to smack Misha around or
belittle him in some fashion.
Misha hated his father with every fiber of his being. The man was
mean and merciless. He had no code of ethics, bending or breaking
any rule he deemed needed. Misha didn t understand how everyone
couldn t see the ruthless streak running rampant in the man. It was
blatantly obvious to him. Felix reeked of cruelty.
80 Stormy Glenn
Hugo was just as bad if not worse. Felix did what he did to gain
power and prestige. Hugo did it to win favor with Felix. If Misha
didn t know for a fact that his father hated gays, he would have
thought there was something going on between the two men. Hugo
hung on Felix s every word, did anything the man said, and looked at
Felix like he was a walking god.
Knowing his father s disgust of gay relationships, Misha couldn t
for the life of him figure out why he wanted to mate him to Hugo,
another man. He knew Felix wanted to tap into his abilities as a
dreamwalker, but at what cost?
Misha paused and forced his morose thoughts from his head when
he suddenly reached the edge of a small clearing. He stayed in the
shadows of the trees as he scouted the area for movement.
Misha glanced up when he heard a chirp and a rustling in the
branches above him. Brodelyn was landing on a tree limb several feet
above his head. The beautifully feathered bird seemed to be scanning
the small clearing much like Misha had.
Misha s eyebrows shot up when the hawk looked down at him. He
would swear the bird was nodding at him. Misha couldn t shift.
Essentially, he was human. He didn t know how sentient shifters were
in their animal form. He prayed they were intelligent as he moved out
of the shadow of the trees and started crossing the small clearing.
The further he went, the more he could see. A large wooden log
structure sat on the edge of the clearing. It was hidden back in the tall
trees almost as if someone didn t want it spotted from the air.
Misha knew the minute he saw the building that it was Ifan s
home. There was something about the place, some feeling of peace
that entered Misha when he looked at it. Every log, every inch of
wall, reminded him of his mate.
Misha hesitated when he saw a shadow pass in front of the
window. His heart hammered in his chest. He wiped his sweaty palms
on his pants then flexed his fingers to make them stop cramping. He
was so tense, but he had reason to be. He was terrified.
White Paws and a Dream 81
 Ifan, can you hear me? Misha tried again to reach his mate
through their bond. He felt something, almost like a small wiggle, but
he heard nothing. It was enough to give him hope. Misha moved
closer to the building, walking quickly to the shadows provided by the
large structure.
He pressed his body against the wall and moved along it until he
reached a window. Misha took a moment to draw in a deep breath and
brace himself, then peeked around the edge of the window into the
His eyes scanned the room, a dining room, he thought. A large
wooden table sat in the middle of the room, empty chairs all around it.
On the far side of the table sat a beautiful knotty pine china hutch
filled with dishes and vases and porcelain tea sets. Misha almost
laughed at what he was seeing. His mate was a very unusual man.
There seemed to be only two entrances into the dining room, one
on each side of the room. Misha could see countertops through the
one on the right. He assumed it led to the kitchen. The other one was
larger, about the size of two doorways, and seemed to lead into a
living room area.
The shadow was moving about in the living room. Misha could
tell from the height that the shadow was made by a man s body, a
large man. He knew it wasn t Ifan. His mate was taller and had wider
shoulders. That meant it had to be Felix or Hugo and that meant
Misha moved to the back of the house, searching for any way to
get inside the house. He saw several windows but none of them
seemed appropriate, mostly because they were locked from the inside.
That left the back door, which led right into the kitchen. Misha
cautiously looked through the window on the back door into the
kitchen. The room was empty, but that could change at any moment.
Misha needed to hurry.
He opened the door, thankful that it didn t squeak like the truck
did, then walked into the kitchen. Misha closed the door carefully,
82 Stormy Glenn
making sure he didn t make a sound. He turned around and scanned
the kitchen for a weapon.
He was so scared his hands were shaking as he reached for a small
paring knife. He stuck it into the back pocket of his pants, blade first, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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