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518, 117 assignment of, era, 84-87
Anon., St. Luke 58, 90 version from
Passion BWV attribution, 81, 85 Hamburg, 80-82
246, 111-112, character roles, version in Berlin
119-130 J. S. Bach s score, 84
chorales, 123-124 assignment of, version in
compared to early 42-45, 89-91 Göttingen score,
works by J. S. chorales, 82, 86, 82-84
Bach, 121-122 88-89 Archilochus, 49
multiple authorship, performing parts, attribution, 112-115
theory of, 124- J. S. Bach s, 42-  authentic
125 45, 84-91 performance, 3
performances by J. S. scoring, 81, 88-
Bach, supposed, 89 Bach, Anna
127-128 sources, 82 Magdalena, 116-
publication, 122, 124 version by J. S. 117
racial theory of Bach, Leipzig Bach, Carl Philipp
attribution, 125- 1726, 42-43, 87- Emanuel, 80-81,
126 91 126-127
174 Index
Bach, Johann  Du wahrer Gott choruses, framing,
Christoph und Davids 30-31
(1642-1703), 119 Sohn BWV 23, commentary
Bach, Johann 73 movements, free
Ludwig,  Denn  Lobe den Herrn, poetic, 13
du wirst meine meine Seele division in two
Seele nicht in BWV 143, 121- parts, 8
der Hölle lassen 122 as dramatic works,
BWV 15, 115- Mass in B minor 33-46
119, 122 BWV 232, 72, earlier passion
Bach, Johann 99, 103-104, 107 types, relation
Michael (1745- Masses BWV 233- to, 34-35
1820), 120 236, 99 forces, instrumental,
Bach, Johann  Nach dir, Herr, 5, 7
Sebastian verlanget mich forces, vocal, 5-6,
attributions, 115- BWV 150, 122 19-32, 51, 133-
119 Ode of Mourning 134
chorale cantata BWV 198, 100- language, 10
cycle, 74 104, 106, 108- liturgical context, 8
image, 102, 122 109 lost setting,
lost works, Toccata and Fugue reconstruction
reconstruction in D Minor of, 104-110
of, 98, 100, 107- BWV 565, 117- monumentality,
110 118 32, 133
memorandum Bach, Johann multiple roles for
(1730), 22 Sebastian, singers, 31, 36-
parody technique, passions (see also 38
98-102 individual narrative, 12
passion repertory, works) opera, relation to,
12 allegorical 13-14, 33-34,
as progressive characters, 35, 37-38
composer, 118 64 as oratorio
Art of Fugue BWV attribution, 111- passions, 11-12
1080, 72 130 parody, 97-110
Christmas Oratorio balance, vocal/ performances,
BWV 248, 71, instrumental, 5- modern, 13-15,
99, 103-104, 6, 133-134 131-134
106, 106-109 character roles, performance,
Cöthen Funeral assignment of, original
Music BWV 38-45 circumstances
244a, 100-104 chorales, 10-11, 13 of, 5-7, 15
Index 175
performing parts,  Ach, mein Sinn,  Zerschmettert
original, 22-27, 44, 73-75 mich, ihr Felsen
36, 38-45, 51  Ach, windet euch und ihr Hugel,
pitch standards, 6 nicht so, 73-75
passion oratorios, geplagte [lost aria from
poetic, relation Seelen, 73 version III], 75
to, 35-36  Betrachte, meine [lost instrumental
recitatives, 34-35 Seel, 73-75 sinfonia from
revival, 4, 10, 33-  Christe, du Lamm version IV], 75
34 Gottes, 73 Bach, Johann
theological  Eilt, ihr Sebastian, St.
meanings, 9, 11 angefochtnen Mark Passion
versions, 60-63, Seelen, 26, 92 BWV 247, 104-
66-77  Erwäge, 73-75 110
Bach, Johann  Es ist vollbracht, chorales, 105
Sebastian, St. 14 narrative, 107-108
John Passion  Herr, unser poetic texts, 105-
BWV 245 Herrscher, 72 107
character roles,  Himmel, reisse, reconstructions,
assignment of, Welt, erbebe, 108-110
24-25, 39-40 73-74 Bach, Johann
performing parts,  Ich folge dir Sebastian, St.
original, 23-27, gleichfals, 75 Matthew Passion
52-53, 68-70  Mein Herz, BWV 244
ripieno ensemble, indem die ganze allegorical
function of, 26- Welt, 75 characters, 55-
27, 53  Mein Jesu, 75 56, 63-64
scores, original, 70-  Mein teurer arias, distribution
72, 126 Heiland, 26-27, of, 58
version I, 72 37, 45, 53, 55- basso continuo, 60-
version II, 72-74 57, 64-65 61
version III, 74-75  O Mensch, character roles,
version IV, 75 bewein dein assignment of,
versions, 28, 68-77 Sünde gross, 40-42
versions, modern, 72-74, 77 Chorus 2, role of,
76-77  Ruht wohl, 72, 29-30, 53-60
vocal forces, 23-27 74-75, 93 Cöthen Funeral
 Ach, Herr, lass  Wer hat dich so Music,
dein lieb geschlagen, 73 relationship to,
Engelein, 72,  Zerfliesse, mein 100-104
74 Herz, 75 date, 101-103
176 Index
Bach, Johann  Gebt mir meinen  Wir setzen uns
Sebastian, St. Jesum wieder, mit Tränen
Matthew Passion 13-14, 59, 61-62 nieder, 56
BWV (continued)  Geduld, 58-59 Bach-Gesellschaft,
dialogues, 55-56,  Gerne will ich 124, 126
63-64 mich Berlin, Sir Isaiah, 49
double-chorus bequemen, 59 Berlioz, Hector, 123
scoring, 29-30,  Ich will bei Boulez, Pierre, Le
49-65 meinem Jesu marteau sans
forces, vocal, 29-30 wachen, 55, 58, maître, 66
instruments, role 101 Brahms, Johannes, 3,
of, 58-60  Ich will dir mein 123-124
obbligato lines, 59, Herze Motets op. 74, 123
61-62 schenken, 58 Brauns, Friedrich
performances,  Kommt, ihr Nicolaus, 80
modern, 29, 31- Töchter, 40, Breitkopf, Johann
32, 49-52 50, 55, 59-60, 64 Gottlob
performing forces,  Können Tränen Immanuel, 120-
original, 62-63 meiner 121
performing parts, Wangen, 59 Brockes, Barthold
original, 29-30,  Mache dich, mein Heinrich, 63-64,
53, 61 Herze, rein, 83, 91-94
revival, 10, 103 45-46 Bruckner, Anton, 67
symmetry, 50  Mein Jesus
text, 63-64 schweigt, 58-59 Cage, John, 12
versions, 41-42,  Nun ist der Herr Calder, Alexander,
60-63 zu Ruh 113
 Ach, Golgatha, gebracht, 56, 58 chorus, 20-21
56  O Mensch, concertists, 20-21
 Ach, nun ist mein bewein dein connoisseurship, 114
Jesus hin, 56 Sünde gross,
 Am Abend, da es 40, 50, 54, 72-73 DiMaggio, Joe, 115
kühle war, 45-  O Schmerz, 7, Dörffel, Alfred, 122
46 55, 58
 Aus Liebe will  Sehet, Jesus hat Fantasia, 117-118
mein Heiland die Hand, 56 fox, 49
sterben, 14, 58-  Sind Blitze, sind See also hedgehog
59 Donner, 56
 Blute nur, 58-59  So ist mein Jesus Goethe, Johann
 Erbarme dich, nun gefangen, Wolfgang von
61-62 56 125
Index 177
Händel, Georg lost musical works, Riemann, Hugo, 123
Friedrich, 12, reconstruction Rifkin, Joshua, 103
100 of, 98, 100 Rilling, Helmuth, 3
Messiah, 104 Luther, Martin, 9 ripienists, 21
Brockes Passion, Rutz, Joseph, 125-126
63, 91-94 Mahler, Gustav, 3 Rutz, Ottmar, 125-
Hamburg churches, Mascagni, Pietro, 125 126
80-81 Mattheson, Johann, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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