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mind: you are no worse off than you were. This is what you have been suffering the whole of your
smoking life, every tune you have been asleep or in a church, supermarket or library. It didn't seem
to bother you when you were a smoker, and if you don't stop, you'll go on suffering this distress for
the rest of your life. Cigarettes don't make meals or drinks or social occasions; they ruin them. Even
while your body is still craving nicotine, meals and social occasions are marvelous. Life is marvelous.
Go to social functions, even if there are twenty smokers there. Remember that you are not being
deprived; they are.
Every one of them would love to be in your position. Enjoy being the prima donna and the
centre of attention. Stopping smoking is a wonderful conversation point, particularly when smokers
see that you are happy and cheerful-, They'll think that you are incredible. The important point is
that you'll be enjoying life right from the start. There's no need to envy them. They'll be envying you.
(f) 'I am miserable and irritable.' That is because you haven't followed my instructions. Find out
which one it is. Some people understand and believe everything I say but still start off with a feeling of
doom and gloom, as if something terrible were happening. You are doing not only what you'd like to
do but what every smoker on the planet would like to do. With any method of stopping, what the ex-
smoker is trying to achieve is a certain frame of mind, so that whenever he thinks about smoking he
says to himself, 'YIPPEE! I'M FREE!' If that's your object, why wait? Start off in that frame of mind
and never lose it. The rest of the book is designed to make you understand why there is no
If you follow these simple instructions, you cannot fail.
1 Make a solemn vow that you will never, ever, smoke, chew or suck anything that contains
nicotine, and stick to your vow.
2 Get this clear in your mind: there is absolutely nothing to give up. By that I don't mean simply
that you will be better off as a non-smoker (you've known that all your life); nor do I mean that
although there is no rational reason why you smoke, you must get some form of pleasure or crutch
from it or you wouldn't do it. What I mean is, there is no genuine pleasure or crutch in
smoking. It is just an illusion, like banging your head against a wall to make it pleasant
when you stop,
3 There is no such thing as a confirmed smoker. You are just one of the millions who have fallen
for this subtle trap. Like millions of other ex-smokers who once thought they couldn't escape,
you have escaped,
4 If at any time in your life you were to weigh up the pros and cons of smoking, the conclusion
would always be, a dozen times over, 'Stop doing it. You are a fool.' Nothing will ever change
that. It always has been that way, and it always will be. Having made what you know to be the
correct decision, don't ever torture yourself by doubting it.
5 Don't try not to think about smoking or worry that you are thinking about it constantly. But
whenever you do think about it  whether it be today, tomorrow or the rest of your life think,
6 DO NOT use any form of substitute.
DO NOT keep your own cigarettes.
DO NOT avoid other smokers.
DO NOT change your lifestyle in any way purely because you've stopped smoking.
If you follow the above instructions, you will soon experience the moment of revelation. But:
7 Don't wait for that moment to come. Just get on with your life. Enjoy the highs and cope with the
lows. You will find that in no time at all the moment will arrive.
43 Help the Smoker Left on the Sinking Ship
Smokers are panicking nowadays. They sense that there is a change in society. Smoking is now
regarded as an unsociable habit, even by smokers themselves. They also sense that the whole thing is
coming to an end. Millions of smokers are now stopping, and all smokers are conscious of this fact.
Every time a smoker leaves the sinking ship, the ones left on it feel more miserable. Every smoker
instinctively knows that it is ridiculous to pay good money for dried leaves rolled up in paper, to set
light to them and to breathe cancer-triggering tar into his lungs. If you still don't think it is silly, try
sticking a burning cigarette in your ear and ask yourself what the difference is. Just one. You
cannot get the nicotine that way. If you can stop sticking cigarettes in your mouth, you won't need
the nicotine.
Smokers cannot find a rational reason for smoking, but if someone else is doing it, they do not feel
quite so silly.
Smokers blatantly lie about their habit, not only to others but to themselves. They have to. The
brainwashing is essential if they are to retain some self-respect. They feel the need to justify their
habit, not only to themselves but to non-smokers. They are therefore for ever advertising the illusory
advantages of smoking.
If a smoker stops on the Willpower Method, he still feels deprived and tends to become a moaner. All
this does is to confirm to other smokers how right they are to keep smoking.
If the ex-smoker succeeds in kicking the habit, he is grateful that he no longer has to go through
life choking himself or wasting money. But he has no need to justify himself, he doesn't sit there
saying how marvelous it is not to be smoking. He will do that only if he is asked, and smokers won't
ask that question. They wouldn't like the answer. Remember, it is fear that keeps them smoking, and
they would rather keep their heads in the sand.
The only time they ask that question is when it is time to stop.
Help the smoker. Remove these fears. Tell him how marvelous it is not to have to go through life
choking yourself, how lovely it is to wake up in the morning feeling fit and healthy instead of
wheezing and coughing, how wonderful it is to be free of slavery, to be able to enjoy the whole of
your life, to be rid of those awful black shadows. Or, better still; get him to read the book.
It is essential not to belittle the smoker by indicating that he is polluting the atmosphere or is in
some way unclean. There is a common conception that the ex-smoker is the worst in this respect. I
believe this conception has some substance, and I think this is due to the Willpower Method of
stopping. Because the ex-smoker, although he has kicked the habit, retains part of the brainwashing,
part of him still believes that he has made a sacrifice. He feels vulnerable, and his natural defensive
mechanism is to attack the smoker. This may help the ex-smoker, but it does nothing to help the
smoker. All it does is put his hack up, make him feel even more wretched and consequently make his
need for a cigarette even greater.
Although the change in society's attitude to smoking is the main reason why millions of smokers
are quitting, it doesn't make it easier for them to do so. In fact, it makes it a great deal harder. Most [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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