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only if £ |=(È ’! Á).
Definition 6.7. A formula È of L is a tautology if it is true in
every structure, i.e. if |= È. È is a contradiction if ¬È is a tautology,
i.e. if |= ¬È.
For some trivial examples, let Õ be a formula of L and M a structure
for L. Then M |= {Õ} if and only if M |= Õ, so it must be the case
that {Õ} |= Õ. It is also easy to check that Õ ’! Õ is a tautology and
¬(Õ ’! Õ) is a contradiction.
Problem 6.12. Show that "yy = y is a tautology and that "y ¬y =
y is a contradiction.
Problem 6.13. Suppose Õ is a contradiction. Show that M |= Õ[s]
is false for every structure M and assignment s : V ’!|M| for M.
Problem 6.14. Show that a set of formulas £ is satisfiable if and
only if there is no contradiction Ç such that £ |= Ç.
The following fact is a counterpart of Proposition 2.4.
Proposition 6.15. Suppose M is a structure for L and ± and ²
are sentences of L. Then:
1. M |= ¬± if and only if M ±.
2. M |= ± ’! ² if and only if M |= ² whenever M |= ±.
3. M |= ± (" ² if and only if M |= ± or M |= ².
4. M |= ± '" ² if and only if M |= ± and M |= ².
5. M |= ± ”! ² if and only if M |= ± exactly when M |= ².
6. M |= "x± if and only if M |= ±.
7. M |= "x± if and only if there is some m " |M| so that M |=
± [s(x|m)] for every assignment s for M.
Problem 6.16. How much of Proposition 6.15 must remain true
if ± and ² are not sentences?
Recall that by Proposition 5.14 a formula of a first-order language
is also a formula of any extension of the language. The following rela-
tionship between extension languages and satisfiability will be needed
later on.
Proposition 6.17. Suppose L is a first-order language, L is an
extension of L, and “ is a set of formulas of L. Then “ is satisfiable
in a structure for L if and only if “ is satisfiable in a structure for L .
One last bit of terminology . . .
Definition 6.8. If M is a structure for L, then the theory of M
is just the set of all sentences of L true in M, i.e.
Th(M) ={ Ä | Ä is a sentence and M |= Ä }.
If " is a set of sentences and S is a collection of structures, then " is
a set of (non-logical) axioms for S if for every structure M, M "S if
and only if M |=".
Example 6.4. Consider the sentence "x "y ((¬x = y) '""z (z =
x (" z = y)) of L=. Every structure of L= satisfying this sentence must
have exactly two elements in its universe, so {"x "y ((¬x = y)'""z (z =
x (" z = y)) } is a set of non-logical axioms for the collection of sets of
cardinality 2:
{ M | M is a structure for L= with exactly 2 elements}.
Problem 6.18. In each case, find a suitable language and a set of
axioms in it for the given collection of structures.
1. Sets of size 3.
2. Bipartite graphs.
3. Commutative groups.
4. Fields of characteristic 5.
Deductions in first-order logic are not unlike deductions in propo-
sitional logic. Of course, some changes are necessary to handle the
various additional features of propositional logic, especially quantifiers.
In particular, one of the new axioms requires a tricky preliminary def-
inition. Roughly, the problem is that we need to know when we can
replace occurrences of a variable in a formula by a term without letting
any variable in the term get captured by a quantifier.
Throughout this chapter, let L be a fixed arbitrary first-order lan-
guage. Unless stated otherwise, all formulas will be assumed to be
formulas of L.
Definition 7.1. Suppose x is a variable, t is a term, and Õ is a
formula. Then t is substitutable for x in Õ is defined as follows:
1. If Õ is atomic, then t is substitutable for x in Õ.
2. If Õ is (¬È), then t is substitutable for x in Õ if and only if t is
substitutable for x in È.
3. If Õ is (± ’! ²), then t is substitutable for x in Õ if and only if t
is substitutable for x in ± and t is substitutable for x in ².
4. If Õ is "y´, then t is substitutable for x in Õ if and only if either
(a) x does not occur free in Õ, or
(b) if y does not occur in t and t is substitutable for x in ´.
For example, x is always substitutable for itself in any formula
Õ and Õx is just Õ (see Problem 7.1). On the other hand, y is not
substitutable for x in "yx = y because if x were to be replaced by y,
the new instance of y would be  captured by the quantifier "y. This
makes a difference to the truth of the formula. The truth of "yx = y
depends on the structure in which it is interpreted  it s true if the
universe has only one element and false otherwise  but "yy = y is
a tautology by Problem 6.12 so it is true in any structure whatsoever.
This sort of difficulty makes it necessary to be careful when substituting
for variables.
Definition 7.2. Suppose x is a variable, t is a term, and Õ is
a formula. If t is substitutable for x in Õ, then Õx (i.e. Õ with t
substituted for x) is defined as follows:
1. If Õ is atomic, then Õx is the formula obtained by replacing each
occurrence of x in Õ by t.
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