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He went out again, through the French windows, to sit in a lawn chair on the
patio overlooking the sea. The ocean, never quite silent, was now almost
invisible in the gathering darkness. The smell of it brought back to him no
memories that were peculiar to this place. He had looked at and smelled the
sea in too many other, different places for that. The one great ocean that
went on and on.
Through low clouds there came suddenly the half-familiar, half-surprising
sound of a slow Navy plane from the air station not far away. One of the
search and rescue craft, and it sounded like it was heading out. Would they
commence a search at night? That seemed unlikely, but there were always new
devices, new techniques. Anyway, they wouldn't be using a plane to look for
her, she hadn't gone out in a boat. And if they hadn't started to look for her
last night, when she walked out, they wouldn't be starting now.
He paused, trying to clear his thoughts. How could they have started any
search last night? He still, up to this minute, hadn't told anyone how she had
gone. Not yet...
I you can't stand your own life, f he had said to her, then I suggest you put
an end to it.
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
I have an interesting life of my own that's going to take all my time.
The room seemed still to echo with the words.
The waves were getting a little louder now, rolling invisibilities up the
invisible beach.
He went into the house and turned up the volume of the television slightly; he
could not really remember having turned it on. The voices from the talk show
came with him as he went outside again, onto the seaward patio. The hyper-fine
and superhyperfine splittings could now be measured accurately, but that was
only the start. Police forces all over the country were using the technique on
unidentified bodies every day, with great success. Nobody worried anymore that
the technique might offer any danger to the fabric of the world. The
implications were really vast.
The ligand fields expanded without limit. The voices continued to follow as he
opened the gate in the low wall and walked down a slope of sand to meet the
still invisible burden of the waves.
It was a small private hospital, so Benedict Cunningham and his doctor had a
small private elevator to themselves.
Call me at any time if you think any problems are developing," said the
doctor. He was youngish and intense, and was earring Cunningham's valise
himself. "Any sort of problems."
Cunningham smiled. He had just turned fifty, and looked quite healthy and
A sun lamp, installed in his hospital room at his insistence, had maintained
his golf tan during his stay. His new wig was so well made that only the very
few who knew him well were likely to spot it. He said: "We went into all the
possibilities pretty thoroughly ahead of time, as you'll recall. And
everything has gone well. I don't anticipate problems."
"Nor do I. But, since you're the first "
"Of course."
"Don't look so grim, doctor. You're going to do quite well out of this."
Cunningham's smile was faintly amused; if the man hadn't needed money
desperately, he wouldn't have done this....
A faraway look came into Cunningham's eyes. "Wait," he said softly. "I'm
making contact with what must be another company. Oh. Giant...I think...it's
got to be AT&T.
Whole networks of metal...networks of finance...I can't describe it, any more
than I
could the others. But it's there, yes, it's definitely there. The whole
structure ...you know, there's one detail in all this it's just occurred to me
to wonder about."
At that point the elevator door opened onto the ground floor lobby. Cunningham
grabbed his valise from the doctor's hand and stepped out briskly, determined
to impress the small group of waiting reporters with his smiling health.
"I'm fine," he assured them. "Just elective surgery to have a wen removed.
Then I
stayed over for my annual checkup and a little rest."
The doctor, in turn, issued a short somewhat vague statement that revealed
nothing about the unheard-of thing that he had really done. Then he walked
with Cunningham to where Cunningham's chauffeur stood holding open the door of
a waiting limousine.
Motioning the doctor to follow, Cunningham got into the car and greeted his
wife with a hurried kiss. Shirley was a quiet, attractive woman with a dread
of the press intense enough to have kept her waiting in the car today. She
looked worried; as the doctor shook her hand hastily he wondered how much her
husband had really told her.
One reporter was still watching, and Cunningham touched the intercom and told
the chauffeur to drive away.
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"What's the detail that's just occurred to you?" the doctor asked, as soon as
the auto
was in motion.
Cunningham raised his fingers to touch the deceptive fabric of his wig, where
it covered the healed incision behind his right ear. New hair growth had made
a start, and in a month or so the wig could probably be discarded. "Huss tells
me the transmitting device is concealed exactly where we wanted it at the
Exchange; it should put me in contact with every corporation traded on the Big [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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