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moved, crouching in front of her and took her extended hand, opening the box himself.  I ve loved you
forever, Maddie. Please marry me.
Stunned, Maddie simply stared at the beautiful ring in a bed of black velvet, a piece of jewelry so
beautiful and so perfect she was almost afraid to touch it. She had never owned anything so fine, but it
wasn t the value of the diamonds, it was the sentiment. The heart-shaped diamond was exquisite, but
she knew it had a deeper meaning, one Sam was trying to express with this piece of jewelry.
 You re supposed to say yes now, Sam said in a graveled voice.
 Yes, she replied breathlessly, her eyes lifting to his face, her smile tremulous. She couldn t help
the tears that flowed down her cheeks as she stared at the man who had always been her destiny. It
was difficult not to believe in fate right at this moment. Two souls that had been meant to be together
had somehow managed to find each other again, even though the odds were definitely stacked against
Sam took the ring out of the box, dropped the container on the table, and handed her the ring.  I had
it engraved.
She took it gently, holding the circle sideways so she could see what it said.
First And Always& I Love You
Choking back a sob, she asked,  How did you know you were the first to say it?
 I saw your journals today. I read some of the entries. I shouldn t have, but I did, he admitted
Maddie smiled, unable to help herself. She loved his honesty, the way he had come right out and
unhesitatingly confessed what he had done. No, he shouldn t have read her journals, but she had
nothing to hide from Sam and she never would.  I forgot about them. I ve been journaling for years. I
probably should have boxed those up myself.
 I did. I didn t want anyone knowing you like that except me, he said jealously as he took her
hand and slid the ring onto her finger.  Now tell me you ll marry me tomorrow, he demanded as he
stood, pulling her up and into his warm embrace.
 Sam, we can t-
 Oh yeah. We can. He swung her up into his arms.
Maddie squealed and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.  Sam, what are you-
 No more talk. It s time to do some convincing, he grumbled.
Maddie stifled a laugh, remembering how she had told him to convince her instead of ordering her.
Relaxing into his big, warm, muscular body, she breathed him in, absorbing the essence that was
uniquely Sam.
Somehow& she had a feeling she would end up married by tomorrow if Sam got his way. And as
she examined his determined gaze, she knew she would never be able to say no. Honestly& she didn t
want to. She and Sam had waited so very long to be together.
As he bounded up the stairs, Maddie almost told him yes, but stopped herself before the words left
her lips.
Am I crazy? I have the hottest man on the planet taking me to bed to convince me to marry him
Maddie decided to wait and let him do some sensual persuasion. The yes was a given, but it could
come later& .much later.
Sam and Maddie were married the next evening, the ceremony private. Their wedding was a
joyous union of two souls that had always been meant for each other. Soul mates who had finally
found the peace that comes with being side by side, after years of separation, pain and desolation.
Sam had had no problem arranging a jet to fly to Vegas. He d called Max and his friend had
promptly had his readied, no questions asked.
Maddie had made a few token protests, but not very many. Honestly, the ceremony had been a
private healing, an experience that had meant so much after the years of pain and separation she and
Sam had experienced.
They would have a grand reception later, an event that Kara was already planning as Maddie lay
in the arms of her new husband, her mind and spirit rejoicing in her union with Sam.
 I can t believe we re married, she breathed softly, her voice full of wonder and awe.
 You re mine. Forever, Sam growled back, holding her tighter against him as they lay in the
enormous bed in their hotel suite. They would fly back to Tampa tomorrow. Sam wanted to take her
on a long honeymoon, but they would do that later, after the reception.
Really, all I ve ever wanted has already happened. Sam is my husband.
Snuggling against his warm, naked body, Maddie sighed happily.  Thank you for the lovely
ceremony. I don t how you arranged it, but it was wonderful.
They had been married in a private chapel in one of the most beautiful hotels on the Vegas strip.
Sam had been dressed in a tuxedo and she had already had the perfect dress waiting for her when she
arrived in the dressing room. Her man had arranged every detail, from the beautiful flowers to the
lovely candlelit chapel. The entire experience had been& magical.
 You deserved better, he grumbled.  I just couldn t wait any longer, Sunshine. We ve waited so
long. I needed you to be mine. I ll make it up to you with the honeymoon.
Maddie smiled against his shoulder.  I thought we just had our honeymoon. Sam had made love to
her with such fierce intensity that he had taken her breath away just a few minutes earlier. Her heart
was still recovering.
 We re going away together. For several weeks. Right after this reception that Mom and Kara are
insisting we have. I want to take you anywhere that you want to go, Maddie. I want to make up for lost
time, he said huskily, his hand covering hers and laying their entwined fingers on his chest.
 I m not sure we have to make up for anything, Sam. Maybe everything worked out the way it
needed to be. Everything feels so right now. I ll never take what we have for granted because I know
how much it hurts to not be with you. Maddie sighed.  I was focused on school and being a doctor
for so many years, and you were busy trying to conquer the world. Maybe it just wasn t the right time [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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