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bracelet included, must be together but we know now that her bracelet had been
on her arm, in London, only minutes before she began to plead with Kulakov for
"Norberton House is hours distant from London by modern train.
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Fred Saberhagen - Séance for a Vampire
Not even the speed of vampire flight would have allowed Doll to carry the
jewels there and return to the Angel Inn in the time allowed.
"If any further proof is needed, consider: Had Peter Altamont ever come into
possession of the jewels, he would certainly have kept them. A sudden increase
in his family's wealth, dating from that time, would now be discoverable by a
thorough search of the historical records which it is not."
There was a murmur of agreement round our little circle.
Holmes went on. "We are faced with the inescapable conclusion that Peter
Altamont never had the treasure; that Ambrose, who betrayed Kulakov, had given
Doll one trinket and kept the others with him in London, until he was killed.
And that immediately after his death, Doll, who must have discovered where the
things were hidden, spirited them away to what she must have considered a safe
hiding place, within a mile or so at most of the Angel Inn."
There was a murmur of comment around our circle.
Holmes resumed. "Remember, she told Kulakov: 'It is a place you know.' But at
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that time the Russian pirate had even less familiarity with England than she
did. What places did she know in London, of which she could be certain that
they were known to the Russian as well?"
"Execution Dock," I suggested.
"Bravo! That thought had crossed my mind. But the dock, and the ground in its
vicinity, was daily washed by tides, and trampled by hundreds or thousands of
people engaged in the common commerce
%20for%20a%20Vampire.html (315 of 318)22-2-2006 2:00:16
Fred Saberhagen - Séance for a Vampire of the waterfront. What other "
To my surprise, it was Sarah Kirkaldy, fists clenched and eyes flashing, who
interrupted sharply. "Newgate! By God, Newgate
Holmes's eye twinkled. "Exactly! But then it seemed to me that we could
probably be a little more precise. Doll's last rendezvous with
Kulakov before his transformation took place, we are informed, was in one of
the condemned cells. We have learned from other contemporary sources that some
of the old prison's walls were actually crumbling at the time. None of the
jeweled ornaments were large they could be dropped into a hole or a crack too
small to accommodate a man's arm.
"It requires no great stretch of the imagination to picture a crevice of
convenient dimensions in the massive masonry perhaps just outside the barred
window through which Doll drifted on her visit
a recess large enough to hold the jewels, and practically inaccessible to
breathing folk, but easy enough for any vampire to reach, particularly by
We all applauded Holmes's masterstroke of deduction, and he, pleased as a
child, acknowledged our praise.
The treasure already having been retrieved by Mycroft from the ruins of the
recently demolished prison, the question of who really owned it in 1903
remained to be discussed. The establishment of any genuinely just claim
appeared to be impossible, and we agreed that if the matter were submitted to
the courts, it might well enrich a
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Fred Saberhagen - Séance for a Vampire generation of lawyers, but no other
benefit was likely. In the circumstances, we chose unanimously to arrange for
a quiet distribution of the value of the jewels among ourselves.
Martin Armstrong and Rebecca Altamont were married within the year. I have
wondered, on the basis of no real evidence, whether the young American's
fascination with the vampire Louisa ever caused him to experience a certain
disappointment that his bride was not in that category.
Ambrose and Madeline Altamont, with their surviving daughter restored to them,
enjoyed a gradual recovery from the fever and near-madness with which they had
been afflicted but neither was ever quite the same.
Since the war began, I have heard that Madeline at least, joining with a group
of parents who have lost sons at the front, is still making plans for sittings
with one or more of the new mediums, still convincing herself that they enjoy
at least occasional success in their ongoing efforts to achieve contact with
the departed daughter they so deeply love. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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