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hardwood floor beneath it. After retrieving Hector s knife with her
still gloved hand, she pried up a section of the floorboard. After all,
why should she damage her blade? Working the knife around the
edges, she pried it free, the board squeaking in complaint and
revealing a manila envelope that had been stuffed into the small
Nic opened the envelope and perused the documents inside.
The evidence was certainly incriminating. Photographs of Marcone
dining with known drug dealers, delivery schedules at warehouses
owned by Marcone, more photos of wooden crates with false bot-
toms for drug transport, and the Marcone Imports logo promi-
nently stamped on the side. A mile-wide grin slid across her face as
she walked into the outer room and thanked Hector Nuñez for his
diligent efforts.
IT WAS ELEVEN-thirty by the time the three detectives
returned to the precinct with Hector Nuñez in tow. They were
going to need him as a witness, and it had been fairly easy to con-
vince him that he wouldn t be safe in his apartment. Once they
had conducted a formal interview with Nuñez and placed him in
protective custody, they filled Lieutenant Raimes in on the morn-
ing s events. He practically drooled when they showed him what
they had found at the apartment. Nabbing someone this big didn t
happen that often in the lives of many cops, so when it did, you
tried to relish every second. Sanders was miffed that Nic had
actually found the evidence, especially when he had searched the
room first. As far as he was concerned, it was just one more reason
to not like her. Sanders and Mahoney went to get the warrant for
Marcone s arrest while Stone checked everything into the evi-
dence room.
Nic stopped by her desk to check her messages before heading
over to the hospital. Nothing. This was a good sign. It must mean
both the carpeting and alarm system installations were going well.
After informing the desk sergeant of her destination, she retrieved
her car from the parking lot and pulled onto Maple Avenue. She
was looking forward to telling Jimmy all about what they had dis-
covered this morning and what they were about to do this after-
noon. He probably would be bummed that he couldn t participate,
but at least he d be happy they were closing down a major drug
operation in the city. She was also looking forward to seeing Carly
and having some lunch with her. She had thought about Carly on
and off all morning, and she wanted to continue to explore this new
territory that they had stepped into last night. Nic hadn t felt this
way about anyone before. She had come close a couple of times,
once in high school and another time in college, but neither time
had it felt as strong as it did now.
154 D. L. Pawlowski
NIC RODE THE elevator with two doctors, both dressed in
green scrubs and chatting about a new surgical technique, and one
middle-aged nurse who held in her hand a glass jar containing
some sort of bodily fluid Nic was sure she didn t want to know
about. Finally, the doors opened onto Jimmy s floor, and she
escaped. She hated hospitals, and she d spent more time in them in
the last three days than she cared to remember.
The officer on duty in front of Jimmy s room was leafing
through the morning paper, but he stood up the minute he saw her
approaching.  Good afternoon, Detective Stone.
 Hi, Stevens. How s everything been? The cop was a rookie.
He wasn t quite as tall as she was, and she figured he d probably
have brown hair if he didn t have a buzz cut.
 Quiet, he replied.
 Good, Nic said as she pushed the door open. Jimmy s eyes
were closed, and oddly enough, Carly wasn t in the room. The
bathroom door was open, so she wasn t in there. Nic walked fur-
ther inside, and she felt the strangest sensation. Like something
was wrong. Then she spotted it. An envelope with  STONE
scrawled on it in bold red letters. She gulped and looked more
closely at her partner. Without hesitation, she rushed to his bed-
side. No pulse.  Fuck! Reaching over, she pulled the IV from his
arm, blood spurting all over the white blanket that covered his bed. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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