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window so she would appear to be sleeping and not mortally wounded.  If you bleed on the seat, you re
off my Christmas card list.
Somewhere in the cemetery, his assignment was escaping. He looked from the jagged stones at the top
of the hill to the dying woman in the seat beside him and swore. With a final, vehement curse, he pounded
the steering wheel and sped away.
Chapter 14 - The Past Comes Back To Haunt You
M arch s private rooms were at the back of the house. She led me to a huge conservatory, a glass
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bubble filled with verdant plant life and flowering trees. The floor, an intricate mosaic of tiny tiles, wound
in paths around beds of soil. The snaking trails converged in the center of the room, where water trickled
down the face of a craggy boulder that nearly reached the ceiling. In front of the impressive fixture, a
striking red Shinto gate stood watch over an elaborately set tea service.
March indicated I should sit at the delicate, wrought-iron table, and despite my simmering anger, I did
so.  That s an aggressively spiritual symbol you have there, considering what you are.
 What, a vampire can t be spiritual? She looked astonished in a worldly way, a contradiction that didn t
surprise me. The woman was as hard to read as a book written backward.  The Shinto tradition is
concerned mainly with the spiritual affairs of the living. As I am eternally living, I don t see the harm in
believing something.
 That s not what I meant, I explained as she poured blood from a Victorian-style teapot.  I thought it
was an overtly spiritual thing for you to have, considering you re a vampire pimp who sneaks up on
people to murder them in their sleep.
She grimaced, a smoke-roughened laugh escaping her bared teeth.  Now, why did you have to use that
word? It s such a nasty label for what I do.
 What about  kidnapping or  false imprisonment ? How do those suit you? I made no attempt to hide
my suspicion as I refused the blood she offered me. She d held me hostage granted, I couldn t have
gone anywhere during the daylight, anyway and tried to kill me. Just because she d decided to offer me
breakfast instead didn t mean I d roll over and we d become bestest friends.
As crazy and paranoid as it seemed and it did seem that way to me, after I d applied said paranoia to
every person I d seen on this trip, from tollbooth operators to truck stop waitresses I couldn t help but
suspect she knew what I was up to in the desert.
I couldn t tell from her Cheshire Cat smile if she really did know or if she d just picked up on my
discomfort.  Well, we can just put all that behind us. Your sire is the fledgling of my sire, after all. That
makes us practically family.
I glared at her.  Practically. Except Cyrus isn t my sire anymore. I hesitated.  He s& dead.
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 Is he now? She poured some blood for herself and sipped it, her eyes never leaving my face. When
she finished, she dabbed her lips with her linen napkin, leaving dainty spots of blood on it.  Isn t that sad?
You re an orphan.
I thought of Nathan, and the word orphan imprinted on my brain like a searing brand.  I m not. Even if I
was, I wouldn t count the Soul Eater as my next of kin.
 You know, I ve never liked that name. It s so confrontational. And it makes it sound like he s doing
something wrong.
She lit up a cigarette, every movement as casual as if we were discussing the weather.
 You ve got to be kidding me. I was reaching the frayed edges of my patience.  He kills vampires for
 You kill people for food. What s the difference? The practiced naiveté with which she posed the
question made me stumble over my answer.
And that hesitation told her everything she needed to know: I didn t kill for blood. In her eyes, that
labeled me weak. Prey.
 No matter how I feed, I still have ties to the Soul Eater, I said quickly.
 So do I. She took a long draw off her cigarette and smiled.  And I know he can t stomach your kind.
Sniveling cowards who deny their true nature.
I couldn t argue with her. If the Soul Eater had his way, vampires would be more far more aggressive
about their status as top of the food chain.
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 Did you know who I was when I came here? It seemed too fortuitous that Byron had led me to this
place, knowing my destination.
She shrugged and flicked the ashes off her cigarette into her saucer.  A friend called and mentioned that
a person of interest was going to show up.
 So, if I m a person of interest, then you must know something of what s going on with the Soul Eater. I
waved her smoke away with feigned annoyance.
 I know he s up to something. But you probably know more than I do, considering you ve come all the
way out here. March leaned back in her chair.  I suppose you thought I d have all the answers? And
that I d just give them to you?
Helplessly, I nodded.  Stupid me, I guess. I just thought your vampire daddy might be keeping you in
the loop.
She chewed her lip, regarding me indecisively. Then she took a deep breath and exhaled noisily.
 You re looking for the guy in the desert?
I reached for my bag, only to remember it was still in the foyer.  I have money. I ll pay. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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