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The Memoirs of a Voluptuary
by Anonymous
their bellies, which were almost glued together by the warm
sticky stuff.
As soon as we had witnessed this consummation, Jimmy
and I went over to my bed. I got on my back, and Jimmy
placed himself over me in accordance with Blackie's
instructions. The relative positions afforded excellent scope
for mutual enjoyment, and spoke volumes for the genius of
its inventor, whoever that unknown individual may have
been. The feel of Jimmy's stiff and warm cock in my mouth
excited me tremendously, and I used my tongue and lips on it
with impatient eagerness, while at the same time I pulled and
twisted his balls about, tickling the little pink hole with one
finger, so as to do all I could to add to his pleasure. He
returned the compliment with equal zest, sending me nearly
wild with delight as he tongued my glowing member, working
it up and down with his lips and rubbing the root with one
finger and a thumb. Our bellies and thighs heaved and
wriggled with the excess of our enjoyment, which only grew
in strength as we continued. Bob and Blackie were now
spectators in their turn, and watched us with great interest.
Presently, Blackie commenced to tickle Jimmy's spine with his
fingers; and Bob followed his example, as far as he was able,
by stroking my thighs. This went on for some little time, until
I felt a tingling sensation creeping over me, and knew that
the end was not far off. I judged, too, by the way Jimmy
quivered every now and then that he was in a very similar
predicament; as he sank lower, thrusting his cock further into
my mouth, I heard him gasp, his hot breath pouring thickly
out over my thighs. Then he almost fell on my face, his teeth
The Memoirs of a Voluptuary
by Anonymous
closed tightly on my member, his own organ palpitated, and
felt something wet and warm trickling down my throat. Next
minute the transport seized upon me, too; I gave a big heave
upwards, and then all my muscles relaxed their tension, and I
was conscious of nothing but the glorious, thrilling happiness
that was setting my entire frame on fire as my cock jumped
about excitedly in the act of throwing off its essence in
Jimmy's mouth. The exquisite bliss prostrated us both, and
we did not even move to change our position until the first
effects had passed off, although we were causing each other
the acutest physical sensations as our lips pressed upon one
another's super-sensitive members; but at last Jimmy raised
himself up, and we both proceeded to get into our nightshirts.
"Wasn't it just jolly?" exclaimed the duke, his eyes
sparkling with enthusiasm at the vivid reminiscence.
"I should think it was only more so!" I replied; adding, "I
propose that Blackie retain his office as master of ceremonies
permanently. He reminds me of that chap you read about in
the Roman histories Petronius, was his name, wasn't it?
who used to plan out all the entertainments for Nero. Blackie
would have done all right in that job, if he had lived then."
They laughed, and after a little further talk we said good-
night, the light was put out, and we prepared for sleep.
The Memoirs of a Voluptuary
by Anonymous
The following morning, a little before lunchtime, I went
into one of the classrooms to get a Greek lexicon which I had
left there. When I got to the room I found two of the boys
standing there talking together. One was named Fred
Davenport and the other Reggie Lawrence. They belonged to
the ranks of the older pupils, both being about fifteen. I had
scarcely more than a nodding acquaintance with them, as I
had hardly had any occasion to speak to them up to the
present, save in the most casual way, and indeed, I had not
taken a strong liking to either. Davenport, who was the elder,
was a rather tall and lanky lad, with a long nose and a
decidedly vain air, though why he affected the latter I do not
know, for I never discovered anything about him that he need
be particularly conceited about. Lawrence was a short and
thick-set boy, with sandy hair and a broad, freckled face,
continually on the grin.
I said nothing to them, as they appeared to be engrossed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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