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scene had been much like this, only better lit and the men there were more open about what they
did. Of course togas hid a lot less than modern clothes. Like walking into a room full of
vampires, there were too many predators in a small place, everybody looking for the same thing.
I shook off the past as I followed Alex around a corner. He was one of the better looking
men in the place and several of the men reached toward him from the doorways. He moved
easily away from them without a word or change of demeanor. I could tell he d done this many
times before. I wondered if that was why he d been eager to come here. Up a small flight of
stairs and we were in a longer hall. Alex led us down a short hallway about halfway down the
main passage. There were only a couple of booths here. The one with the number we were
looking for had a red light above the closed door. I was surprised there was no police tape around
the scene. Obviously, either the police were very expedient in Yellow Sky or they didn t really
care about the death of a man in an adult bookstore on the edge of town.
 Looks occupied right now, he said with a sly grin, then reached for my arm, pulled me
into the next booth and closed the door. He went over to the large television screen and put a
dollar bill into the slot next to it. As the movie began to play, he took a seat on the couch.
 I ll check in real quick with Weasel and see how they re doing, he said.  Want to ride
I shook my head.  I ll listen for the people next door to leave.
 Okay, I ll be quick. He relaxed and I felt his attention turn outward.
I listened to the movement in the hall and the sounds indicated several people moving
around, but so far, I hadn t heard the door next door open and close. I pushed my own senses
outward, brushing only one consciousness in the next booth, I pushed against it, sending waves
of anxiety. Seconds later, the door opened, slammed shut and feet ran down the hall. I guess I
pushed harder than I intended. Either that or people in here were a bit on the jumpy side and
easily frightened.
Alex laughed a bit.  Scared him out, huh? His voice startled me, I hadn t expected him
to contact Larry that quickly and get back.  Weasel says everything s okay. Stan, Hill and Burn
just arrived at the morgue, and so far, no problems. Topper got into the police system without
anything happening and is getting the files right now. So let s get our info and get back to
Geri s.
The screen went black and he stepped over to the door.  Let s go next door. He opened
the door and I followed him into the hall. Surprisingly, no one stood there as we emerged and
quickly entered the murder scene. This room was no different from the other. After putting a
couple of dollars in the bill slot next to the screen, Alex sat down on the couch and closed his
eyes. To my eyes, the couch was filthy in more ways than almost any other couch I ve ever seen.
I was glad I didn t have to sit on it. There are some things that even a dragon doesn t want to do.
Alex s energies reached out to the nether regions that filled the space and sifted through
the many strong emotions that covered the place in the past. His mind searched for the
information, wavering in the sea of emotions trying to find the death and its perpetrator.
Suddenly he gasped and his hand grabbed mine where it rested lightly on the back of the couch.
His grip was tight, and his nails dug into the back of my hand. He needed an anchor in the swirl
of emotions that he d plunged into. I placed my other hand on his shoulder and poured power
into him. He caught it and I suddenly felt what he felt, the tug of the lust, fear and shame that
filled this room. I pushed at it, trying to move past it to find death. That too was there, not just
one but several.
Together we struggled to keep them in chronological order. We sought to find the most
recent. It was like trying to fast forward through several horror movies at once trying to find a
specific scene. A young man died of a drug overdose, dropping his needle to the floor. A gun
blazed in the darkness and a man fell over a chair that was no longer there as his wife turned the
gun on herself. An old man grabbed his chest as a rent boy screamed for help. Finally a fresh
scene loomed up that was new to the room. The victim, an older man, was happy with a
handsome younger man who showed interest in him. He d always had a taste for younger men
and this one suited him well. The lust was strong. The picture of the killer was prominent in the
energies put off by the victim.
He d been a tall lanky blond man with blazing blue eyes and a strong nose. His crew cut
added a feeling of strength and had been the factor pulled the older man to him. No words were
exchanged. The young man s strong kiss and powerful embrace engulfed the older man. Death
had been swift. The vampire tore out his prey s throat, but the lust didn t end there. The older
man had been so enraptured by the attentions of the hunk, the sensations of his lips and tongue
endured and provided an anchor in this world for the spirit, helping to tie it to the cooling body.
He lingered on the rough hands that lowered him gently to the sticky floor. Harvey hadn t
accepted death, and struggled in the light of his killer. He still tried to find a way back to the
world of his killer. If left alone, there was a chance he might be able to find the last object of his
lust. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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