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Natasha smiled.  That is why we have these parties. We celebrate the joining of mates, births, and
 Well, if I don t get to do a big wedding or shower for you, Sidney said, sitting back up in the chair.
 Then I m sure as hell going to buy you something.
 Oh, no. Stefan groaned.  More damn shopping.
* * * *
Conner Martin sat behind an old oak desk that was neat and clean with not one speck of dirt on it or
one paper out of place. His cold gray eyes were fixed on a photo of a young Sidney, at about age ten,
smiling. It was the only photo of her he had left. All the others he had destroyed the day he found
out she was to marry that damn animal.
Conner was now in his late fifties, almost sixty, and his only child was practically dead to him. To
Conner, he had an empire to give and needed to find someone who shared the same passion for this
war as he did.
He tapped his fingers on the desk, thinking about what his next move might be. Conner wasn t as
young as he used to be, and all the scotch he drank didn t help either. He was old, but the desire was
still there to rid the world of these freaks.
As luck had it, Conner Martin did have someone who shared his passion. Josh Stan, Mike Stan s son.
Since the night Mike was killed, Josh had picked up right where his father had left off. The perfect
candidate to take over once Conner was gone.
Josh was close to Sidney s age, slightly older. He was the kind of man Conner would have loved for
his daughter to marry. He felt it a waste that they weren t.
 My contact just sent these over. Josh came into the office with an air of authority that Conner
loved. He didn t carry himself as a man too afraid to take what he wanted, just like him.
A brown folder was tossed onto his desk, and Conner tore his eyes away from the smiling little girl
to it. He opened the folder and pulled out colored photos. All of them were of Sidney shopping. She
was smiling, looking as if she was having the time of her life, but that wasn t what had Conner s full
interest or had his heart beat quickening. What had his attention was the roundness of her stomach.
He glanced up at Josh, who smiled.  Yes. She s pregnant. About four or five months along.
Conner said nothing. Looking back down at the pictures, he touched the smiling face of the
daughter he no longer claimed. A child. She carried a child of one of those animals! Conner began to
laugh. It was perfect! What better way to get the perfect specimen he needed for his next
 I want that child, Conner Martin stated in a chillingly flat voice.
* * * *
 So how many do you want? Adrian and Skyler were lying in the bed cooling off from another
intense lovemaking. His arms were wrapped tightly around her, and her head rested on his chest.
Skyler giggled.  I don t know!
 You must have some idea. Adrian rubbed his hand up and down her back. For the past ten
minutes, he had been trying to get Skyler to think about how many kids she might want, and so far,
she didn t have an answer for him.  What about six?
She snorted, rising up on her elbows to look down at him.  You are out of your mind!
Adrian chuckled.  Too many?
 How about we just go with the flow and see what happens.
He frowned, bit the inside of his mouth, and tried to act like he was thinking about it before he
nodded.  Agreed. Adrian pulled her back down to his chest and held her tight.  Besides, I like the
practicing and need much, much more of it.
 Oh, please! Skyler laughed and nudged him in the side.
She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.  Hum?
 I love you.
Kissing his chest, she snuggled closer.  I love you too. Now will you please go to sleep? I m
With his arms tightly around his mate, Adrian smiled into the night. Finally, he was a peace with the
one woman he loved with everything in his soul. As his eyes slowly closed, the last thought Adrian
had was that, once and for all, he had claimed Skyler for his own.
The End
TuÉâà à{x Tâà{ÉÜ
Jaden Sinclair is the mother of two boys and lives in a small town in Kansas with her husband of
twelve years. She is known for her hot Shifter books, and many other titles that have landed her on
a few top ten sites.
Jaden has been writing at an early age and her intriguing mind never stops. She loves to come up
with new and exciting tales to share with her fans. To find out what s new, keep an eye on her
website www.jadensinclair.com. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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