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 I can t tell you that. He said sternly.
I groaned.  You are always keeping secrets from me, you have ever since I was born.
He shook his head.  I can t tell you. I m sorry. If I tell you it will put you in danger and I
want you to be safe and happy.
I sighed then turned around when I heard someone running down the street. Bret was
running up our road with his necklace shining in the sun. I groaned.  Great. Just freaking great.
Bret looked down at my necklace box and frowned, but turned to Darren.  What the hell
Darren? Why didn t you tell us what was going on?
 I ve heard this, so I m going inside to pack better. I walked away leaving the boys to
talk and went to my room. I pulled out more pairs of underwear and a couple of pajama tops and
bottoms and shoved them into my backpack.
I heard Bret come in my room, but ignored him and zipped up my bag. He whispered,
 So, how was your day?
I shrugged.  It was great until my best friend called me a slut and I found out my dad has
been hiding things from me.
Bret sighed.  I m sorry Artemis. I didn t mean what I said.
I raised my hand stopping him and looked up into his eyes. Tears had started to well up in
mine.  Don t apologize for something you meant.
He wrapped his arms around me.  I didn t mean it!
I shrugged and pulled out of his embrace.  Whatever. I ll be at Billy s if you need me. I
started to walk out of the room and Bret grabbed me by the arms and kissed my lips hard. I felt
the strength he had in his hands and knew I couldn t fight him off even though his kiss sent my
stomach rolling.
He pulled back from the kiss and whispered,  Please don t go over there. I m better than
him. Stay with me. Please.
I stared up at his face and knew that if I didn t go with him that it would crush him. Yet
the disgust I felt each time I was kissed by him or Billy was too much to deal with.  I m sorry
Bret. I need some time alone.
Bret frowned.  You can t go out alone with the wolves constantly showing up.
I snarled at him.  I can do whatever I want. Besides, I m sure you need time to go see
Skankzilla. I pulled away from him and walked out of the house. If it had been any other girl
than Skankzilla I wouldn t have cared since I didn t like him in that way. Why her? Why my
Darren called after me,  Where you going?
I yelled,  Away from you!
 She s trying to go somewhere alone, Bret said angrily.
Darren frowned at me.  You going to the stable? I nodded my head. Darren quickly put
his gun back together and handed it to me.  Take this then. Just in case you need it.
I slung my bag over my shoulders and took the gun and the box of shells sitting next to
Darren.  Thanks.
I walked away from Bret, who was frowning in frustration at Darren for not stopping me,
and through our field. The stable sat in the center of our property and was basically an empty
building for the horses and cows to use to get out of the sun, rain or snow. The trees swayed
slightly in the breeze and birds and insects chirped and clicked and built an endless stream of
music as I walked. I raised my arms to the wind and reveled in the feel of it against my skin. The
outdoors had always drawn me more than buildings. The forest felt like a friend waiting for me
to walk with. And I could feel the moon s presence like a buzzing in my veins, though I couldn t
see her. I jogged through the pastures past grazing cattle until I finally came to the stable. The
building was dark brown instead of red and I could see a few horses dozing inside under the
shade. I approached slowly making kissing noises so I wouldn t frighten them. The horses
bobbed their heads and waited patiently for me to come to them. I stroked the three horses heads
and crooned and cooed to them. Two feral cats stared at me from their perches on the beams.
Cats had never liked me or Darren so the only cats that we got were the feral ones who ate mice
in the stable. In the back east corner was a ladder that led up to the small loft.
I climbed up and shook out the bedroll to make sure there weren t any creepy crawlies
hiding within the folds. The horses nickered and snorted and talked to each other relaxing my
nerves. I set the gun against the wall and opened the necklace box. The wolf charm sparkled in
the sunlight that was streaming through the windows. I picked the charm up in my hand and
screamed in pain as it burned my fingertips. I dropped the charm and stared at the red blisters
now present on my fingertips. The silver burned me? I held my palm out flat and laid it against
the charm and screamed again as the charm burned me.  What the hell?! I cradled my hand [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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