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I glance down at the big hands on my thighs then back up at Chance. "I don't want to be
comfortable with it," I huff.
"Stop being a pussy, Parker." Chance sighs before he pushes to his feet, using my thighs to push
He walks out of the entertainment room and into the kitchen. That asshole! He knows that I hate
being called a pussy. And I know that he said it on purpose to get me all riled up. He has outright
admitted to like fucking with me. And admitted to wanting to fuck me, cocksucker! Shit, he
probably wants to suck my cock, too! Son of a bitch!
I shove to my feet and follow him into the kitchen. He just finished grabbing himself another
bottle of water when I walk in. He chugs it down then sets the bottle back on the counter, raising an
eyebrow at me in challenge. Goddammit!
I know I poked one of Parker s soft spots, but I really don t care. The guy needs a push. And
Parker s temper is the way to go. The man hates being called anything that could be construed as
weak. I found that out the first day we met ten years ago. I called him a "baby" because he was
whining and complaining about his broken finger that happened during a fight scene. Well, he flipped
out on me, even took a swing at me. I dodged it and tried to diffuse the situation by apologizing. But
now, whenever Parker needs that extra oomph, I call him something like "Baby" or "Pussy." It really
gets his goat, and I love it.
Parker skirts the counter and grabs me up by the front of my shirt as soon as he is in reaching
distance. He then shoves me back against the adjacent counter, our bodies touching from lower
abdomen to thigh. His face is so close that I can only see his bright blue eyes, which are smoldering
with anger and something else that I can t name.
"Fucking dick, is this what you want?" Parker breathes before attacking my mouth.
I scramble to grab hold of the back of his upper arms to gain some leverage. Parker is bending
me back over the counter slightly, whether he knows it or not, I can t be sure. His mouth is hot and
demanding, making my stomach flip. The earlier kiss was decent, but I knew that Parker wasn't all
that into it. This one, however, is burning my blood. He s holding nothing back, kissing me like he
actually wants to, has a desire to. So I kiss him back with the same fevered passion.
I m so turned on that I can barely stand it! I want more than just this ravaging of mouths - I want
to be touched, I want to touch Parker. But I know if I do, it will be the end of this. If I go anywhere
near his raging hard on, this will be finished. And I definitely don t want that, I want this to keep
Parker tears his mouth away, panting frantically, our chests heaving against each other s. Our
arms have somehow tangled around each other, and our groins are pressed tightly together. I can feel
all of Parker s impressive length right alongside of my own. His head drops back on his shoulders,
his eyes closed and mouth parted, as he tries to catch his breath. I wonder what he s thinking, but I
don t want to press him. He hasn t moved away yet, so that s a good sign. Right?
After a minute or so, Parker still hasn t moved. His breathing has slowed, but his head is still
back and his eyes are still closed. I lean in and start kissing his neck. His breathing hitches and his
hands tighten on the back of my T-shirt, where they were earlier while we were kissing. I squeeze his
"Let me make you feel good," I whisper against Parker s neck before licking a line up to his ear.
He shudders as his breath hisses out. He doesn t reply, so I take it as a green light. I let my
fingers drift along the waistband of his jeans until I get to the button and zipper. I pop the button and
slide the zipper down slowly, making sure not to abrade his swelling dick. He tenses and I brace
myself for a blow. I wait, watching as Parker brings his head up and looks at me, his expression
confused and wary.
He opens his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. "Don't...just...let me touch you. If it is
really that fucking horrible then I swear I'll stop."
Parker swallows hard and nods, his eyes fluttering shut. I bite back a smile. He s really trying to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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