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Gavan gave her a quick squeeze back. “Tessa’s out with the
horses. She should be back in a minute. Coffee?”
Marlena took the mug from him and settled onto one of the stools
at the counter.
Since he’d moved into Tessa’s house, she’d been inundated with
work on her latest book, making Marlena a fairly permanent fixture
around the house. He truly liked the woman, but there were times
when he wanted to literally carry her out the door to her car and send
her on her way. It seemed she was never prepared to leave so that he
could be alone with Tessa.
“I’ve had a huge idea,” she gushed, clinking her spoon on the
Cooper Lovell
Gavan’s eye twitched a little, not liking the sound of the publicist
having a huge idea. The last time she had a huge idea, he’d nearly
exploded with jealousy and confusion. Before Marlena could
continue, Tessa came through the back door, walked to Gavan to give
him a kiss, and greeted Marlena as he handed her a mug of coffee,
with plenty of room for the ridiculous amount of cream she liked.
“I thought we weren’t working today,” Tessa asked, worried that
her absorption in wedding plans was making her absentminded.
Marlena waved her hand. “Oh, no, we’re not. It’s just that I had an
idea and I wanted to run it by you right away. If you’re up for it, we
need to get it done before the wedding.”
Tessa’s eyes widened. “Marlena, the wedding’s less than six
weeks away. I hope you’re not expecting me to do anything more than
put the book to bed before then.”
Again, Marlena gave a dismissive wave of her hand. “Oh, no,
honey, nothing like that. Another photo shoot.”
* * * *
Tessa felt Gavan tense at the mention of a photo shoot. After the
last one he’d witnessed, she wasn’t surprised. Tessa put her hand on
Marlena’s. “I don’t know, Marlena. Is it really necessary to do more
publicity? We just did the Appointed shoot four months ago.”
Marlena gave her best smile and began her pitch.
“Well, I’ve told you that the issue of Appointed with your spread
in it was the highest selling issue they’ve ever had. What I didn’t
mention, because I didn’t know myself, was that based on feedback, a
large portion of the sales was to females. You did it, honey, you
moved into a new demo. Women adore you! The sales on your
already-released titles have spiked, and those sales have been mostly
to women. Based on various website message boards and chat rooms,
you’ve become something of a role model. You’re hot, successful,
and men are hot for you. Put that together with the fact that these
Tessa’s Highlander
women are now as hot for your books as the men and you have a
serious new fan base. They want to read what you write and hear what
you say. They want to be you.
“So, after I talked to you yesterday, I was playing with a press
release to announce your wedding when it hit me. We’ll do a shoot
for She magazine to announce your wedding. They’re the right demo
and have approximately the same circulation as Appointed.”
Tessa chewed her bottom lip. “Is a shoot really necessary?”
Marlena smiled wickedly. “It is if we want to lock in the female
demo so they’ll never, ever get enough of you.”
Skepticism dripping from her words, Tessa asked, “What, exactly,
does that mean?”
“Just wait till you hear the whole thing, okay?” Marlena
demanded with excitement.
Tessa nodded and Marlena described her concept, which involved
the High Priestess costume again, in detail.
Tessa was speechless and afraid to look at Gavan, who, she was
sure, had steam coming out of his ears. Then he cleared his throat.
“And, what would I have tae wear in this shoot? I doona want tae
be dressed up in a ridiculous costume.”
Tessa spun to face him. “You would do this? I can’t believe you
would consider doing a photo shoot for a magazine!”
Gavan shrugged. “Is’na secret how I felt about the last shoot you
did and all your male fans. This’ll give me a chance tae show them
that while they might be able tae have you on a page in a magazine,
you belong tae me.”
He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him.
“Now doona call me a caveman for feeling that way. I just like the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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