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looked at Rahl, as if waiting for another question.
 What questions should I ask, ser?
 Has Taryl been tutoring you on how to draw me out? Jyrolt s tone was wry.
 No, ser.
 That sounds like something he d come up with. Rahl couldn t comment on that.
 Is it true that you were dosed with nemysa? asked Jyrolt.
 I don t know that. I lost my memories for seasons, and Taryl told me that
only nemysa could do that&  Rahl went on to explain all .that had happened.
 Why do you think this Shyret wanted you to lose your memories?
 He thought I knew something he didn t want known.
 Did you?
 I had a good idea that he was claiming some goods were damaged, then selling
them on the side and pocketing the coins. I would have been hard-pressed to
come up with proof, and he was convinced that what he was doing did not go
against the Codex. Without hard proof and as an exile 
 You were exiled from Reduce?
 Yes, ser. Because I was a natural ordermage. They claimed I couldn t be
taught and was a danger to them for that reason.
Jyrolt fingered his chin.  This Shyret could not have known you were a mage,
or he would not have used nemysa& unless he thought it would kill you well
away from him. How long before you could remember?
 I was not even aware of anything for more than a . season, and it was another
season almost before I remembered who I was.
Page 228
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Jyrolt nodded.  The dosage you were given might well have killed most mages,
but there must * have been something else. This merchant was right that the
Codex does not concern itself with commercial manipulations, only with theft
or fraud against those who buy their goods. There is a reason for that. Do you
have any idea what it . might be?
Rahl did not. To him it seemed wrong that merchants could cheat each other.
 The Emperor cares only that honest goods are sold. To try to set the price,
either directly or indirectly, always results in higher charges. To prohibit
certain practices or to mandate that factors and traders only adhere to
certain others only results in even more convoluted fashions of. accounting
and bookkeeping, and that makes gathering tariffs even more difficult. So the
Emperor concerns himself with making sure that honest goods are sold and that
the amount and value of the goods brought into Hamor, or produced here before
sale, are accurate. What the merchants do to each other or their accounts is
their business.
But if that were so, why had Shyret wanted Rahl removed or dead?
 I can see that you understand the problem. It is not a crime to remove
someone s memories rather it would be, except it can almost never be proved
that it was caused by drugs rather than by an unfortunate accident but it is a
definite offense to murder someone. So why would a merchant partner do
something that might result in murder over an accounting issue that is not an
offense in Hamor?
Rahl didn t have an answer for that, either, except that what he had seen
signified far more than he had understood at the time or even now.
 I would suggest that you say nothing about this matter. I can assure you that
I will bring it to the attention of Mage-Captain. Gheryk and Regional
Mage-Commander Chaslyk. You are not to speak of it, except if asked, and only
by those two officers, or by their superiors. This is for your protection as
well. Do you understand?
 Yes, ser.
 Now& let me tell you about how the mage-guards came to be& 
.By late afternoon on fourday, Rahl was standing midships on the main deck by
the railing of the Streamcrawler a squat steam tug that seemed mostly massive
engine and boilers and little else. He had not expected there would be three
long barges, linked by thick hawsers, all heavily loaded with iron plate and
rods and beams, guided by a steam tug. Nor had he anticipated being on a river
that stretched close to half a kay from bank to bank, yet one so deep that the
water barely seemed to ripple except when disturbed by the passage of one
craft or another, and not for long.
The black basalt hills overlooking the river port of Luba were behind .them, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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