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 Okay. Saleeya shivered from his touch.
 My control s barely hanging on. Kael kissed her hair.  For both
our sakes, it s best if I leave you to rest. I ll return for you soon.
 All right. Saleeya nodded, trembling when he withdrew his arm
from around her. She did not move.  Thank you, Kael.
 Don t, Kael ground out.  Don t thank me. Go to sleep while
you still can. There ll be much to do in the coming days. The bed
shifted as he moved off it. Saleeya kept her eyes closed until she
heard him quietly exit her room. The door clicked behind him. Her
heart stumbled as tears rolled silently down her face. Surrendering to
her exhaustion, sleep finally overcame her potent emotions.
* * * *
 Saleeya, wake up. Mia gently touched her shoulder.  It s time
for you to get ready. I m here to help you. Thinking she was
dreaming, Saleeya woke confused.
Groggy from sleep, her mind simmering from the arousal
throbbing in her body, Saleeya bolted upright. Searching for the
speaker, her gaze darted wildly around the room.  What? Oh no, Mia,
am I late for the midday meal? Who let you in? Saleeya squeaked,
her hands pushing her hair from her face.
74 Ciara Lake
 The Admoncor let me in. He sent me in here to wake you, Mia
coolly answered.
Saleeya pushed the covers aside, her hands fixing her clothes.
How long have I slept.
 Saleeya, are you all right? Concern thickened Mia s voice. Mia
walked over to where Saleeya was sitting on the edge of the bed.
 Why is the Admoncor in your suite? Mia demanded.  Has he been
here the whole time? Mia s tone was agitated. Saleeya could see
concern on her frowning face.
Saleeya glanced at the other woman. Mia gazed at her, her look
disapproving. Saleeya ignored the look, fidgeting with her hair.
 Mia, just help me find another gown. I ve got to get ready,
Saleeya snapped.
 All right, there s no need to bite my head off. Mia shook her
head.  Is there something I should know about?
 What? No, there s nothing, Saleeya bit out tightly.  Like what?
She purposely made an exaggerated expression, contorting her
 Nothing, I m sure there s a simple explanation for Kael s
presence here. Mia shrugged her shoulders.  Here s your deep green
gown. It should be comfortable, plus the color is nice with your hair.
She held up the garment.  Before we leave to meet up with the others,
we need to talk. Mia sat down next to Saleeya on the bed.
 Talk about what?
 I m concerned about Admoncor Braeden being here all this time.
I m worried for you. No one else needs to know he was here all this
time. You must focus on your function here& Not be confused by the
handsome Prince.
 I am focused on my function! Saleeya enunciated each word.
 I m not confused. Anyway, your function isn t to tell me what my
function is, Saleeya smartly retorted, glaring daggers at Mia.
 Wow, are you irritable. She shook her head.
 I m not irritable, Saleeya denied in a further irritated tone.
Xihirah 75
 Okay, if you say so.
 My duty s to encourage peaceful negotiations. Hopefully, that ll
result in helping to eliminate the terrorists from this galaxy. That s
exactly what I m going to do. No worries.
 Oh Saleeya, let s not have words. I only want to make sure
you re safe. Mia helped Saleeya close the back of her dress.  I
arrived some time ago, Saleeya. Admoncor Braeden let me in. I was
stunned when he answered the door. He asked me to let you sleep for
a while longer. While we waited for you to wake, I had the
opportunity to talk to him. I told him we were best friends from when
we attended the University of Kriton. His attitude warmed toward me.
I can tell he really likes you. Mia paused, and her gaze narrowed,
fury lacing it.  Did the Admoncor hurt you, Saleeya? Mia demanded,
her hands on her hips.
 No. Saleeya shook her head adamantly.  Why would you think
 I m just asking.
 I m fine. He s fine. With everything happening, I m just a bit
unsteady. I didn t mean to be cross with you. Saleeya touched Mia s
arm, guilt easing her grip.  I m tired and hungry. I know you care
about me. There s a lot of responsibility on both of our shoulders at
the moment. I guess it just now hit me. Let me finish getting ready.
He s waiting on us. Saleeya smiled wistfully.  I hate to keep him
waiting any longer.
Mia flushed.  Of course, Saleeya, I ll let you finish up here.
You re right. We mustn t delay. The Admoncor told me that we
should get the Minister and Jarvin in fifteen minutes. I m looking
forward to the pleasant change to sit down to a meal without having to
worry about a schedule.
 I hope Vitalion isn t angry with me for not meeting with him
before the meal, Saleeya suddenly worried aloud.
 I m afraid that Vitalion will be angry no matter what, Mia
replied sagely.  He s always angry.
76 Ciara Lake
* * * *
Kael paced the living area with great, ground-devouring strides. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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