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Eric grinned, thankful that she couldn t see how happy her news
made him. Maybe she wasn t as unaffected by him as she pretended.
* * *
Jane studied her own blue, blue eyes and smiled. They were
attractive. She coated her lashes with the mascara she d purchased at
the drug store in the mall and applied a thin coat of pink lipstick. Her
morning in the sun had given her skin a rosy glow. She was almost
pretty. Almost.
But she doubted she could come close to the women in Eric s little
black book. Not that she wanted to.
Deciding it was stupid to be so vain, Jane went downstairs in search
of Hildy. She found the housekeeper in the kitchen washing fruit in the
large stainless steel sink. Jane scrubbed her hands and accepted the
apron Hildy handed her.
 Strawberry jam is fairly simple to make. Four pints of crushed
strawberries, five cups of sugar and two tablespoons of lemon juice.
 It takes that much sugar? Jane watched Hildy pour the ingredients
into a large Dutch oven.
 Yep. Now we re going to boil this until it s translucent and thick.
I ll let you watch the pot. You need to stir frequently.
Jane nodded and took the large wooden spoon from Hildy. She
stood over the jam, watching as bubbles began rising in the hot liquid.
In about half an hour, the first batch was ready. Hildy skimmed off
the foam and poured the jam into sterilized jars. Jane wiped the rims of
the jars clean while Hildy poured melted paraffin wax on top.
 The kitchen smells good. Eric walked into the room and sniffed
the air.
Hildy dumped another batch of strawberries into the pot.  We have
enough berries to keep us busy the rest of today and most of tomorrow.
Did you pick up the jars I asked for? the housekeeper asked
 They re in the car. Wipe your hands clean, Jane. I have something
for you. He placed a large bag bearing the name of a department store
onto the counter.
 For me? Jane frowned at the bag.
 You needed a few clothes. I had my secretary pick these up for
you. She s about your size so she tried them on. I told her to stick to
basics. Nothing fancy, just something nice enough for you to shop for
more clothes in. I hope you don t mind.
Jane didn t mind. Fact was, she was grateful. It would hardly be
suitable to go shopping for new clothes with berries on her butt. Still,
she found it awkward to be accepting gifts from Eric.  Thank you, she
managed, her face feeling as hot and red as the berries in the pot.  I ll
pay you back.
An awkward silence followed and Hildy cleared her throat.  If
you ll excuse me, I have some laundry to fold. I ll be back in a few
minutes. Hildy eased out of the room.
 I don t expect you to pay me back. Eric regarded Jane s burning
face with a frown.
 I can t accept clothes from you. Jane lifted her chin stubbornly.
 I can afford it, Jane.
 I know. She licked dry lips.  But I m not my sister. I don t want
anything from you except my freedom.
 I see. Eric shoved his hands into his pockets, his expression
growing cool, distant.  I m not trying to buy you.
 That thought never crossed my mind. Besides, I was under the
impression that I was already bought and paid for. She stirred the jam,
avoiding his eyes.
 My agreement was with Janice, not you.
 Sometimes I think you forget that fact. Jane cast a reproachful
look in his direction.
 I never forget it, not for one minute, he said, his tone even.
 Then you don t blame me for what Janice did? Oddly, his answer
was important to her.
 No, I don t, not in the least. I m just trying to make the best out of
a bad situation.
Jane moved her attention back to the simmering pot, not liking the
way his serious gaze was making her pulse race. She took a deep
breath.  About the clothes, I m sure that giving things to people comes
naturally to you. Taking them doesn t come naturally to me. I believe
in working for the things I have.
 You are working. He waved his hands about the kitchen.
 It isn t a real job, she argued, though she had to admit, canning
was definitely a chore. Her clothes had grown hot and sticky from the
steaming pot.
 You don t think that managing a household is work? Hildy might
disagree with you there. Eric crossed his arms over his chest and
leaned his hip against the counter.
 Of course running a household is work, hard work. But it isn t my
job. It s Hildy s.
 Right now, being my wife is your job. And considering the
inconvenience it s caused you, I d say it isn t an easy job. At the very
least, you deserve some clothes.
Jane opened her mouth to argue and was stopped cold by the
discovery of a faint bruise on his chin. Was that where she d hit him?
Sudden remorse filled her. She d never struck another human being in
her life.  I m sorry about the bruise on your face. Jane focused on his
chin a second time and realized that there was slight swelling as well. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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