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killed her! You killed my child! It was you! He no longer cared about the
hand encircling him; he thrashed like a mad thing, screaming obscenities,
lunging against the chains, blood beginning to trickle down his arms, the
Martinelli madness rising like a tide.
Marcello snapped an order, then men were holding Kirith, preventing his
movements, pinning him& a sharp sensation of a needle made him fight
harder, a despairing cry escaping his throat as he felt the drug begin to act
upon him.
When he sagged in their grip, the chains were released and he was
lowered to the floor.
 No, he whispered as he stared up at Marcello bending over him, feeling
his own tears cold on his cheeks.
 It is all right, love. Marcello smiled down at him fondly, gently wiping
the tears away.  You will realize how you feel about me in time. When I am
finished with you, you won t even remember you have a daughter or a
brother. You will be only mine.
He laid a kiss on the unresisting lips as Kirith sank under the drug, his
mind screaming in rage and denial.
* * *
Landon felt relief sweep over him as he caught sight of their
headquarters from the windows of the helicopter. Here would be sanity and
cleanliness and good food& and sleep. He could sleep for a year or two before
he did anything else.
This last mission had been beyond difficult, leaning more toward hell.
Four of the team, including Landon, had been undercover for six months,
infiltrating a terrorist organization that had held two aid workers hostage.
Despite all their efforts, one of the hostages had been killed, though they
managed to save the second one. It was a mixed result that left them
exhausted and pissed off. It had taken everything in Landon not to just
slaughter the terrorists they had captured. The world would be so much
better off.
He leaned back in the seat and sighed, closing his eyes for a brief
moment. The only thing that had stopped him from firing was the thought of
Laura& and Kirith. What would they think of him had he killed prisoners
who could not fight back?
Kirith might have understood, maybe, but Laura s big innocent eyes had
finally vanquished Landon s fury, and he had turned away.
Six months of filth and hunger and crazy people.
It was enough now.
Landon could not wait for furlough and time to get his head on straight.
In his weakness, he wished he could just fly straight back to Kirith, could
have the right to go into those arms and wash his sins away in a kiss, to have
his strong arms hold him.
He swallowed hard as the helicopter began its descent. If he could just
make Kirith see&
Not yet. One day, he would shake that man up. Landon had come to the
conclusion during this mission that what he felt was real, damn it, and Kirith
needed to listen to him. If, after that, Kirith still didn t want him, well& he
would have to deal with that as it came.
They carried their gear to the main building with heavy, exhausted steps.
Brian took one look at them and sent them to their quarters, with
instructions that the debriefing could take place after they slept. However
long that may take.
Landon forced himself to shower, almost falling asleep leaning against
the tiles, then without even bothering to dry himself, he fell into his bed,
asleep before his head struck the pillow.
* * *
He woke with a start, his tuned senses detecting another presence in the
room, and that presence wasn t completely friendly.
He reached slowly for the gun beneath his pillow, only to freeze as he felt
a blade at his throat.
This felt strangely familiar&
He opened his eyes, only half surprised to see Enzo looming over him.
Perhaps this was just a nightmare then.
He sighed and relaxed, putting one arm under his head as he regarded
his visitor.
 You know, it s no wonder you aren t married when you do things like
this. Man, people really don t appreciate this sort of thing. It makes you look
a little psycho.
As his eyes adjusted to the bright light, he felt his faint humor fade. Enzo
looked like shit. His face was gaunt and drawn, his eyes burning with
something not quite rational.
Landon felt a jolt of alarm. He could think of only two things that would
make Enzo so upset.
 Kirith&  Landon leaned over, knocking the knife aside impatiently.
 What has happened? Or is it Laura? He gripped Enzo s wrist, his own eyes
lighting to fire.
When Enzo didn t answer, Landon sat up, ignoring his own nudity.
 Answer me, damn it!
Enzo took a deep breath, and Landon realized with horror that the
unshakable Martinelli seemed to be on the edge of some emotional outburst.
But then he seemed to find some inner strength and controlled himself.
 Marcello has them both.
Landon stared at him, the words floating around his mind and not
finding any purchase. When they finally settled, he shot to his feet, his
breath coming hard and fast, his thoughts darting here and there,
desperately trying to deny the words and their import, pacing the room in his
Finally he put his back to the window and turned to face Kirith s brother.
 How long?
 You had just gone undercover. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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